
free Sprite for bomberman game?

Started by February 12, 2003 04:07 AM
14 comments, last by Tran Minh Quang 21 years, 9 months ago
I want to make a program like bomberman game, can you tell me where i can get free sprites? Thanks
No, we can`t
I''d like to write a game can you tell me where to get the code?
The code? The code for the game engine?
You should write it yourself. Wanna help?

[edited by - Ulbian on February 12, 2003 5:49:55 AM]
I was joking about the code.
Who likes BomberMan, anyway?
Try to come up with an original idea!
And if you really want some sprites, you should get an artist...

[edited by - Ulbian on February 12, 2003 6:14:15 AM]
No need to trash the poor guy...

He just asked if you knew of a place where he could get some grafix - and last I checked that was not a personal insult...
/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english|Visit meTake my advice - I don''t use it...
Ari Feldman''s SpriteLib is available, whether it is suitable is for you to decide.

Note that the GPL he mentions isn''t the GNU GPL but essentially says "for freeware/shareware use only".

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"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
I think it can be a good idea to pick an established game idea as the basis for your first game - that way you can concentrate on learning the APIs and designing your engine etc. BomberMan is a fun game with a farely simple idea behind it. Seems ideal to me. Obviously if you want to concentrate on Game Design then you''d be better using someone elses engine etc and coming up with an original idea..

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