NeHe Basecode troubles...
This question is probably answered somewhere in the 400 odd pages, but the search feature doesn''t seem to be working at the moment.
It has been a while since I''ve worked on any of my openGL projects, so I decided that I should upgrade and integrate them with the latest NeHeGL basecode, the one labeled as ''Full'' on the front page. However, I cannot seem to get anything on the screen besides the most excellent text output.
I''ve tried myriad checks, ranging from extending the perspective to 360, to numerous random lines, to that trick with the gopher and duct tape, to make sure I wasn''t m aking asimple mistake, but even adding such simple additions such as a translate in and a single tringle leaves my screen black and lonely, save the aforementioned text. My camera system allows me to rotate around the origin and zoom in and out, and is working correctly, yet I can see notyhing from any position.
I am not sure if this is a common problem, a hardware/driver issue, or simply stupidity on a massive scale on the par tof yours truly.
I''m running Windows XP on a Radeon VIVO, with all the latest drivers, etc. The older spinning, rainbow triangle basecode, as well as my older code, all sti ll work beautifully. Help would be much appreciated.
Thanks for your time.
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