
New to writing music for games

Started by April 12, 2003 11:30 PM
2 comments, last by fogministries 21 years, 5 months ago
Hello all. I am a recording engineer that has been an avid computer gamer since Apple 2e''s were new (19 years for you younger kids) and I have been interested in writing music for video games. I have a complete recording studio at my disposal (it''s what I own/do full time) and would love to be able to help those that need music for their games, but I have no idea where to even begin to get the work. Any suggestions you guys have would be great. Also, another thread I saw was in building a computer to start writing your own music. If I may recommend the Harmony Central discussion forums for this, they have gone over (time and again) the building of what is called a DAW (digital audio workstation) as well as the problems with AMD (usually not the processor but the VIA chipset on 80% of AMD boards) and the problems with Pentiums (most reliable, but not as fast a processor as AMD) and how to get around those problems. Cheers.
To produce game audio, I suggest reading the game audio columns on (registration is free, and worth it).

One skill you might want to acquire is using Microsofts Direct Music Producer. It, together with the Direct Music runtime library/code, can create very good, very interactive/reactive audio, but the tool and way of working is rather hard to pick up for a lot of artists. If you can master this, you have a leg up on the other guys.

Last, there''s something called GANG; the Game Audio N-something Guild, which you might want to do a Google for.

Good luck!
GANG's website is:

GANG stands for Game Audio Network Guild

There are a lot of industry veteran audio people there as well as professionals and beginners.

There is a yearly registration fee, however you will be entitled to discounts at various stores as well as access to a wealth of information and people's experiences.

Audio Artist

[edited by - yjbrown on April 13, 2003 7:47:52 PM]
Game Audio Professional
I''m guessing from your replies that for someone to just write a song and record it into either wav, or MP3 format is out of the question? I''m not so much interested in actually writing it into a specific game, but more scoring for the game. The developer gives me the concept of the game and I write/record the music to let them apply it to their games.

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