i used to visit the site daily... sometimes twice a day to check out news updates and stuff, but lately i just go there once a week or so and read that weeks worth of updates. i dunno why i stopped frequenting, maybe it was because i was busy or whatnot.. but i just never got back in the habit of clicking on my nehe bookmark. i suppose also that the ''mood'' of the site is sometimes depressing, and i find it easier to ignore things than be sympathetic (yes, this is bad but i''m only human

and now, a suggestion or two to help boost the site''s popularity:
1.) an image of the day.. only- dont call it an image of the day, because if you do, people get really bitchy when it doesnt happen every "day" (see: flipcode.com

) this is a good way to get people back on the site reading news, clicking links, banners, that sort of thing. maybe put a pay-per-exposure banner on top of the IOTD page.
2.) regular contests.. money doesnt grow on trees, you dont have to tell me this. but i know for a fact there are alot of people there who will join a contest just for the competitive spirit (if the theme is right, ect). i''m one of them.. although on the contest side of things i also might make another suggestion: try to keep a broad audience in mind when arranging the rules for the contests.. so far the contests have been really great (all of em), i''d hate to see the site''s contests end up just like all the other GL demo-scene sites out there. maybe one month have a "platformer game contest" where the contestant tries to make a fully working platformer game, then another month that is "winamp visualization contest".. make the coolest looking winamp plugin... stuff like that. diversity is the spice of life they say
3.) the new themes are great! not really a suggestion, just thought i''d throw that in there..
;another space monkey;
[ Forced Evolution Studios ] 
Do NOT let Dr. Mario touch your genitals. He is not a real doctor!