Looks pretty good although on my system not so playable.
AMD 700MHz
TNT2 M64 32Mb
runs at 18-20 fps so aiming isn''t really easy(well I''m also very clumsy in 1st person shooters)
Maybe it isn''t very realistic to try and run such a game on my machine but it might be worth it to add the possibility to choose lower resolution.
Anyone want to test my first 3D game
Okay, I looked into the source.
You should use tri strips.
Wow you hardcoded everything
If the walls don''t change - and why should they -, you can use display lists for them.
Also, be careful with mouse movement smoothing, it introduces delays which make aiming slower. 15 frames with 15 msec/frame is at least 225 ms...
Nice code, easy to read, commented and everything
p.s.: I tried the "no limit" version too, it gave me the exact same framerate.
You should use tri strips.
Wow you hardcoded everything

Also, be careful with mouse movement smoothing, it introduces delays which make aiming slower. 15 frames with 15 msec/frame is at least 225 ms...
Nice code, easy to read, commented and everything

p.s.: I tried the "no limit" version too, it gave me the exact same framerate.
Thanks for looking at the code Gonosz 
I will have a play with tri strips.
As for mouse smoothing, I played around with different values and 15 seemed the best compromise between smoothness and delay although I do realise what you are saying. Do you know any better methods for removing judder from mouse input?

I will have a play with tri strips.
As for mouse smoothing, I played around with different values and 15 seemed the best compromise between smoothness and delay although I do realise what you are saying. Do you know any better methods for removing judder from mouse input?

Excellent game!! I like the gun kicking up when you fire, perhaps you could make the crosshair move out a bit like in counter-strike? Don''t think you need to change being able to hit targets as they go down, I need all the help I can get :D
Ran at 56fps on AthlonXP 2500+, 512DDR, radeon 9500 running winXP.
Ran at 56fps on AthlonXP 2500+, 512DDR, radeon 9500 running winXP.
Original post by Anonymous Poster
i have a 2.2ghz with a GF2MX and i get 30.0fps.
Weird aint it.
It is. Maybe you''ve less video memory? I''ve got 64MB. But of course it depends on a lot of other factors.
Yeah i was getting 55 with vsync disabled...
It is weird i wont let a game i work on drop below 100fps on my computer becuase people with low end geforces get like 20 fps, although, you dont have that problem. Weird, I''ll take a look at the code later on if i get some time
It is weird i wont let a game i work on drop below 100fps on my computer becuase people with low end geforces get like 20 fps, although, you dont have that problem. Weird, I''ll take a look at the code later on if i get some time

I don''t know. Do you really have to use filtering ? In some games it can be turned off. (I like leaving it off
Maybe using DirectInput would help with the noise of the movement.

Maybe using DirectInput would help with the noise of the movement.
Wow, thats pretty good. On a 800 MHz Pentium Celeron, 256 MB of RAM and an 11MB VC it ran at 38.0 FPS, give or take. I like thw rork that you did on this game - though in windowed mode the crosshair was pointed more towards the top right of the screen for me. I like the gun and hand well done there I also like the level - you''ve done a nice job there as well. I can see that you use the Custom TFC (I blieve thats the sound pack that you used?) sound pack. Its a very well done game. I really liked it

yeah, at the moment it isn''t designed to be run in windowed mode, I will add that feature though at some point.
How did you get it windowed anyway? It should just go to fullscreen automatically.
How did you get it windowed anyway? It should just go to fullscreen automatically.
Yeah the game is very good but...
There are some Bugs:
With my GForce4 mx440 pIII 850 i got only 41Fps. Its kind slow.
Other things:
Therer are the Windows. In the top of the window (bottom of the wall that is On the window), you are drawing the bricks. There you musnt draw the briks. There you need to put only the color of the brick.
Other thing: When i keep pressing the right button of the mouse, if the bullets are full, it will play the noise. YOu dont need to play the noise if the bullets are full. Other thing: I hitted many and many times the right button and then after this i got my bullets in other color. Darker than it is.
Thats it.
great work
There are some Bugs:
With my GForce4 mx440 pIII 850 i got only 41Fps. Its kind slow.
Other things:
Therer are the Windows. In the top of the window (bottom of the wall that is On the window), you are drawing the bricks. There you musnt draw the briks. There you need to put only the color of the brick.
Other thing: When i keep pressing the right button of the mouse, if the bullets are full, it will play the noise. YOu dont need to play the noise if the bullets are full. Other thing: I hitted many and many times the right button and then after this i got my bullets in other color. Darker than it is.
Thats it.
great work
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