
MFC Question on bitmaps.

Started by June 15, 2000 01:25 AM
0 comments, last by SikCiv 24 years, 6 months ago
Im creating a config utility for my game, its going to be MFC based and i need it to display a bitmap under the Dialog controls. Ive tried to put a picture control over the dialog, but when i run the app the picture covers all the controls. How do i assign a bitmap to the dialog surface?

  Downloads:  ZeroOne Realm

Well, i got a very dirty method...
should only be used if you dont find anything else

delete all controls.

place a static bimap field (dont select bitmap before all controls are placed), and then add controls......then you select the bitmap (inserted in resources) and it will cover all controls, but when you compile, it will be under the controls.

things placed last are ontop and since the bitmap field was first.....

Edited by - Claus Hansen Ries on June 15, 2000 7:10:36 AM

works under vc6++ using wizard

Edited by - Claus Hansen Ries on June 15, 2000 7:11:20 AM

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