
[n00b] Making MIDI-keyboard sound like a piano...

Started by June 22, 2003 05:59 PM
7 comments, last by NaliXL 21 years, 3 months ago
Hi there, Since a few months, I''ve got a MIDI-keyboard, just to expermiment with it for myself. Until now, I''m useing Anvil studio mostly for that. There is only one problem : I want to make it sound like a real piano. In the instrument-library, there are some piano''s, but they don''t sound like piano''s. So I suppose I''d need some special software to make it sound right. Anyone got a suggestion for some (preferably free) software which does that? Most important is that I can just play something and hear a real piano sound, but some recording possibility is nice of course....
Newbie programmers think programming is hard.Amature programmers think programming is easy.Professional programmers know programming is hard.
Im not sure about software, but there is a wicked free piano VST plugin that you can download.

Go to tha 'sampletank' website, and download 'sampletank free' thats a free cutdown version, and also download the free piano patch. Ive used it on loads of stuff and it sounded great. might need to adjust the settings abit to suit your playing style and add some nice reverb.

The only downside is that you would need a host program capable of playing VST instruments, otherwise it wont work, but it sounds like that is what you want anyway. There are some free ones, but I wouldnt be able to recomend any, I think fxpansion do one.

------------------------------------------- - Media Music Factory...

[edited by - wiggly-worm on June 22, 2003 7:24:01 PM]
check - the front page has a new free piano plug on it.. lot of variation in how it''s been received tho..

when i say ''good luck'' i wholeheartedly mean it..
neither a follower nor a leader be
Okay, so you both say I''d need VST plugins. That''s nice, but I don''t have VST, and I don''t plan on buying it. Anyone have a better suggestion?
Newbie programmers think programming is hard.Amature programmers think programming is easy.Professional programmers know programming is hard.
You misunderstand. VST is not a piece of software or anything. It is a sound plugin format (I think it might even be open-source). like I said there are free VST host programs available, like the fxpansion one and others.

To be honest you would be very lucky to get a free acoustic piano sound that is actually vaguely realistic(to a pianist).

You asked for a better suggestion.... there isnt one. Its free and it sounds great, with low latency. Isnt that exactly what you wanted? I can vouch for the Sampletank piano sound that it can sound extremely good.

------------------------------------------- - Media Music Factory...

[edited by - wiggly-worm on June 24, 2003 2:46:35 PM]
check kvr.. search for free hosts, prolly goes way off the page.. some are definately preferred.

there''s a little plug called mda piano.. great performance/params, under a meg.. a lot of people who "should know better" are well satisfied with this cheeky little thing (including a pro piano tuner) but we all know that you can''t please ''em all, so if you''re ''insisting on perfection,'' you get the disclaimers. any of these softwares (and there are many others) may turn out to be exactly what you''re looking for.
neither a follower nor a leader be
SynthEdit and AudioMulch are two programs that can host VST plug-ins, and which are legally downloadable. There are more if you just do a google.

If a keyboard you have itself does not sound like a good piano, it''s unlikely that you can make it sound any better, because most keyboards aren''t expandable like computers are. Thus, the recommendation to use your keyboard as a MIDI controller, and the computer as the actual synthesis engine (using VST).
Oh, it''s not that I want that much perfection, but plain MIDI sounds like anything but a piano, and indeed I misunderstood about VST. I thought that was an expensive software product from Steinberg....
Newbie programmers think programming is hard.Amature programmers think programming is easy.Professional programmers know programming is hard.
nah.. there''s a strong community of freewareists who are pushing a different philosophy that doesn''t segregate people by their economic circumstance. any kind of commercial audio software, there''s freeware that''s not far behind it, at least...
neither a follower nor a leader be

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