
LILO VGA params?

Started by July 24, 2003 06:46 PM
14 comments, last by tuxx 21 years, 1 month ago
When I installed Slackware 9.0 a while ago, the LILO configuration part let me set the VGA mode. I set it to a certain mode that I think would be the equivalent of 1024x768, and it also had other modes such as the equivalent of 800x600. Now from what I remember this mode was something along the lines of 0x773 or something like that. Now that I''ve installed Debian, if I set the vga parameter to 0x773, it says that that isn''t a mode, and gives me a list of other modes. These modes are all text modes, like 80x25. But I want the VGA mode to actually have, well, VGA modes, such as 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, like on Slackware. So does anyone know how I can get these VGA modes for the console? Thank you.
you need a framebuffer

i think debian only comes with the vga16 framebuffer, which i think is inadequate.

use the vesa fb driver (its what slack uses. debian probably has it as a module) google around, you should find params to add to the module to set the resolution.
try this

i dont think u need the 0x in 0x773

make sure u run "lilo" after updating the lilo.conf file, or else the changes wont be saved

[edited by - earl3982 on July 25, 2003 9:32:41 AM]
when using the vesa high-res modes, what image format should the boot up splash screen be in?
Thanks guys. I''ve so far found out that I need the VESA framebuffer. Does anyone know how I can get this? I haven''t installed XFree86, so I''m thinking I''ll need to install that before I get the framebuffer working. Anyone know how to get it working? Thanks.
Frame buffer support is part of the kernel, you may have to re-compile, I don't think it can be built as a module...

-- Aaron

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[edited by - mrhollow on July 25, 2003 12:48:22 PM]
I''m pretty sure I have framebuffer support, because from what I''ve read, you need a newer kernel, and I have 2.4.18. Also, when I start up I get a penguin at the top-left corner of the screen, and I think you need a framebuffer for that. Or do you? Before I''ve used Debian to get 1024x768. Don''t remember how though. So does anyone know how I can somehow "activate" or "create" a framebuffer? One site said I needed to add a framebuffer device. Would XFree86 do the trick? Or if I recompile my kernel will framebuffer support automatically be added? Thanks.

You have a framebuffer. it is using the vga16 "driver".

I do not believe that vga16 will work with modes higher than 640x480. you need vesafb for that. vesafb may be compiled as a module.
This forum should be called "Linux Troubleshooting"... NOTHING about coding games ;>

Registered Linux User #317188
darkoneRegistered Linux User #317188
no kidding

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