

Started by June 27, 2000 04:31 PM
12 comments, last by Brackus 24 years, 2 months ago
Ye Gods man. Have you never heard of comments?

I did. But would you understand Romanian comments. If you want to, I''ll send you the files, w/ summary Romanian comments. I''m too lazy to translate the comments. It''s a good thing it works. It was a little bit hard to make it. Let me tell you something: I''m 14. So I think I did a pretty good job, don''t you?

"Everything is relative." -- Even in the world of computers.
everything is relative. -- even in the world of computers... so PUSH BEYOND THE LIMITS OF SANITY!
Hello Ionut,

I have been away on a little vacation lately, but now that I''m
back I would just like to say thanks for the help with that project of mine, what compiler will this work in, im guessing c++, but is there a certain number, as mine is not that high.

Also, is this a visual demonstrating device, because my graphics in c++ suck, and i could never figure it out, so maybe you couldnt either, anyways, thanks for the help again!

Mess With the Best, go down like the rest, but please visit:

It was made in VC++ 6.0, but it SHOULD compile in any other C++ (because of the class; take that out, and you can use c) compiler. I didn''t put graphics cause my current occupation is figuring out OpenGL. As you probably saw in the last two replies (before yours), the comments aren''t there ''cause I made them (briefly) in Romanian... If you want, I could probably modify the messages, and put the comments (translated into English) there. But in my opinion, the code is rather simple and easy to understand, and that''s another one of the reasons I didn''t implement graphics. When I read your post, I didn''t quite catch the phase w/ the cat and the mouse... It can''t be something like that (my prog, I mean)... It''s designed in such a matter that they will hunt each other. The graphics? are you doing them in DOS C? The DOS functions?

"Everything is relative." -- Even in the world of computers.
everything is relative. -- even in the world of computers... so PUSH BEYOND THE LIMITS OF SANITY!

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