
A world that lives.

Started by September 16, 2003 10:05 AM
14 comments, last by Soulz 21 years, 5 months ago
some people make this project sound bigger than it has to be in its first versions ... there are no rules about war, or completely independent personalities to start with

seems that at the MOST BASIC level, you simply have a generic "person" or a few types of people such as male/female, young/adult/old ... which affect the set of "needs" and "abilities" which apply to people (I''m not suggesting "needs and "abilities" is THE solution, mearly giving ONE starting point for an easy way to think). For instance, each person might have food needs (and sleep/shelter) ... children have the "ability/task" or getting food from adults .. of going to schools ... of seeking attention from people ...

adults may have the ability to perform a profession, aka lumberjack, etc (just like SETTLERS actually) ... and might also have the ability/task to do stuff like relax, etc ...

so if you add some needs to increase individual or communal wealth / success ... (communinal is easiest to start with) ... then in a short time you can get a few kids eating, going to school, coming home and sleeping, while the adults eat, go to work (at different basic jobs) come home and rest ...

once that is going on, all that''s left is the few billion details that makes it like real life ... but already it''s taking shape into something usefull for a game (depending on your games genre and detail level).
Sims and Sim city ya that what it is i want but i dont need a true AI all I really want is to have it look life like

Xai has what im thinking the "person / people" make the world once i have the basic outline for the people, then i can worry bout if theres a war.

but thx for the input i never though bout it but a Nnet would work well but i have to also make sure that the "thinking" of all people does not take all the cpu time ... i need to have room for a simple grafic tile set you know


Im a Idiot Savant without the Savant
Im a Idiot Savant without the Savant :)
I reakon its doable, but it will take you a while.

Just start off really really really small with basic needs, then you can expand from there, eg needs for community, housing, storage, murder
Well, if what you want is to have a town that looks like its citizens lead independent lives (as oppose to standing around and waiting for the player to talk to them) then you might not need to have complex AI - just enough to give the illusion of life.
For example there could be a list of activities (go to the market, visit a house, tend the farm, etc.) that in the beginning of the day are randomly chosen by each agent and then executed during the day. There could be some restrictions put on the activites, such as time limits or number of participants, so that you don''t have all the village going to the market at once. Add some intelligent looking interaction, for example, everytime you pass within a certain distance of another agent, there is a 20% chance to initiate conversion. (Of course, you''ll need the standard path finding and player interaction but that''s a given).

It also depends on the scope of the simulation. Do you want to be able to come into the houses and witness activities within, eating, sleeping, or is it enough for you that the village has less ppl walking around at night than during the day.

In any case, for a superficial simulation I don''t think you need to worry about needs such as food or money.
Right but i do want the NPC actors to effect the world so i think what im going to end up with is a HUGE event driven world ... EG something happens and so the diff types of NPC act in diff ways but there needs to be some randomness to it .. if that makes it clearer then mud
Im a Idiot Savant without the Savant :)
Sure... each of the people would have a deterministic state machine wherein they can have different probabilities of reacting in certain ways.

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer
Intrinsic Algorithm -
"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
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Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
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