you should try searching the Milkshape help forum
Just create a random joint and attach all your vertices to it.
This keeps Milkshape happy, you will get another error, but
that can be ignored as the md2 will still be generated
from modeller to GL
Original post by Anonymous Poster
well, md2 can be in any form - humanoid or not. also, it can contain only one frame, hence no animation.
if you dont believe me, look at q2 pickup weapons - for me they dont look humanoidish or apear to have any animation.
actually, the weapons are standalone models, but they get attached to the rest of the humanoid model to do the animation sequences. From a tutorial that can be found at milkshape's website:
If you finished all the tags, then create a MD3 export control file using Tools | Quake III Arena | Generate Control File... Since a Q3A player model consists of 3 submodels you have to create 3 control files: lower.qc, upper.qc and head.qc. The generated .qc file (control file) is a control file for all tags and all groups in the model. It look like this:
// Quake III Arena MD3 control file, generated by MilkShape 3D
$model "models/players/model/model.md3"
// 0 0 = all frames, -1 -1 = reference model, 1 30 = frame 1-30
$frames 0 0
$flags 0
$numskins 0
// you can have one or no parent tag
//$parenttag "tag_torso"
//$parenttag "tag_head"
//$parenttag "tag_weapon"
Notice the "tag_weapon" gets added the the control file for the animations. also it does mention that q3a player models consist of 3 submodels...
i'm not sure on q2, but i know it's very simular in format.
Original post by James Trotterquote:
Original post by Anonymous Poster
I know http:\\ has a model loader for 3ds files
No, NeHe does not have a 3ds loader tutorial, but you might want to look at lesson 31, which is an .ms3d loader..
I do apologize for that, that was a mistype on my part. Yes NeHe does feature a .ms3d loader, but does not support animation at this time. I'm working on possibly getting a tutorial up that does support animation...
if you just want static models though, look to using milkshape .ms3d format. Find the lesson #31 on nehe, download it, use it to load your models. (Or use it as an example to your own code). There is no sense in using a .md2 loader, that is SUPPOSED to export humanoid player models, to load spaceships or rocks. The lesson 31 tutorial is pretty straight foward and more simplistic than the md2 or md3 tutorials. It loads .bmp texture files that are attached to your model. You won't have to worry about milkshape exporting to a different texture format, creating "dead" skeletons or animation sequences, or using a complicated model loader. lesson 31: straight foward, easy. Done.
Just my suggestion
[edited by - BriW111 on September 24, 2003 2:49:27 PM]
Put a ''joint'' somewhere (probably at the origin), and stick all the vertices to that joint. Now export.
I did try lesson #31 code and found it buggy, when I changed models it gave me problems. It was a couple of months ago but I also remember seeing on Brett Porters site that there was a bug in it.
I never actually used the lesson in a program of mine, i''ve always used ''s tutorials for model loading and stuff. Perhaps you should head over there and give them a try: they have several formats to choose from.
Good luck in your programming!
Good luck in your programming!
Original post by NickKirt
I did try lesson #31 code and found it buggy, when I changed models it gave me problems. It was a couple of months ago but I also remember seeing on Brett Porters site that there was a bug in it.
Hmm... I use the code from Brett''s site, just slightly modified and "cleaned" up... It works fine for me, and there are no bugs. What kind of problems were you having?
it''s ok now, got MD2 working.
I made a joint and attached all the vertices to that joint and made one key frame and saved.
The texture wasn''t exported so I have to find a way to convert bmp -> pcx.
I made a joint and attached all the vertices to that joint and made one key frame and saved.
The texture wasn''t exported so I have to find a way to convert bmp -> pcx.
September 29, 2003 01:42 AM
for a bmp->pcx converter, look at . I believe they have several tools for that.
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