
Particle Tutorial v2.0???

Started by September 26, 2003 05:23 PM
8 comments, last by dagamer34 21 years, 5 months ago
Is there going to be a new particle tutorial that in actually in 3D space (as in different z values)?? It would be really cool to do a tutorial that does that and help everyone else out, especially me! So, what do ya think?
I would be able to contribute a part about billboarded and rotating, animated and deformed particles. (for e.g. laser beams
Short the whole list of particle effects.
But for a whole tut I haven't the time.
... but if there are really a lot of interested people I would write such a new tutorial for NeHe.

[edited by - AblazeSpace on September 27, 2003 3:13:31 AM]
Well, I wouldn''t mind a tutorial on that..
yes yes yes , a new and improved tutorial on particles would be more than welcomed
It is really that hard to move from 2d to 3d with particals.

I persionally love them. There is almost no limit to the partical effects you can create.

Well I guess is you count video card power, i guess there is a limit
IMHO I don't think so. You just have to work more with vectors when you're handling with particle systems in 3D.

[edited by - the_recon on September 28, 2003 5:10:27 PM]
Well mabey I''m just used to working in 3d

I''ll consiter making one if it would help people out. Lifes got me so busy i may not have time for a while. And if some one else wants to do it, all the better.

Only problem is i think it may get to big to fast. I would have to explain my camera class, the time based movement, as well as all the partical stuff.
Actually skow, if someone is thinking of particle systems, they should already have their own code. What you could do is just give the user the ability to move up and down and rotate around the particles.

As for the time based movement, use GetTickCount () or timeGetTime (). I think i can speak for all of us when i say, we already get the basics of that. If not, they can cut and paste.

I know what i need to do to create a 3D particle system *rip code* but no one has explained it to me. Sure you could tell me "it''s just a z-value, nothing to worry about" but really its that z-value that messes me up.

Could you write a simple tutorial that does fire or rain? That would be nice. I only need the idea or design, not really the code itself (although it would be nice to have something to look at).

The only real difference, I believe, is that you usually have to do billboarding in 3D...

I''ve written a particle system all from scratch, and it works, but I don''t know exactly how flexible it is... It think it should be able to do most of the stuff a particle system usually does (Fire, Rain, Snowstorm, smoke, whatever).. I used it in my LOTR:TTT demo. Have a look at the source if you want.
Yeah I have billboarding built into my camera class. My camera class uses my own 3d vector and spherical cord class.

I guess I could just make a simple rotating camera class. If I ahve time next week I'll work on it.

[edited by - skow on September 29, 2003 4:43:28 PM]

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