
MultiTexture Mapping

Started by September 30, 2003 08:47 PM
2 comments, last by Pharazon 21 years, 5 months ago
When I say this I mean, I have two different images, and I want to use them both..just say I want two planes in my space, each with a different image on it..How do I do this? I''m Pretty sure I can load em both, but then How do I use the correct one? Do i just Bind the first one.. then draw the object, bind the second one then draw the object? Any help would be appreciated.. Thanx in advance -Phar
Have you looked at the tutorials here or here? I would suggest reading through all of tutorials. I would explain it, but they can explain it better.


"You wished for a white christmas... Now go shovel your wishes!"
Do a search for "opengl multitexturing" in google.

Or look at page 2 at
Sa''ll right guys, I figured it out before I read the responses, thanks alot though.. That gametutorials has some useful information that I can use though, Thanks again for the help.


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