
Are there any good tools for out there for scriptwriting?

Started by December 20, 2003 10:30 PM
10 comments, last by Toraque 21 years ago
Hiya, all, I’m working on a script for my current project, and since the game reacts to triggers and dialog input, I’m having some trouble having it all make sense during writing. For instance, if you try to write a decision in a text file, it goes something like this: PIRATE: Put down yer cutlass, swabbie! Dialog choices: 1. Arr, I’ll walk the plank first, matey! 2. What’s that? Yer parrot just flew off with the cabin boy! 3. Don’t hurt me! [CHOICE 1] ….. [CHOICE 2] ….. As a second method, the current way I’m doing it is breaking the script up into segments that are managed individually, then showing how they link through a hypertext document. A sample of what I’ve got is up at this link. Sadly, doing it this way takes about four times as long. Are there any good tools or methodologies out there that would help?
If you have some ability in a programming language like Java, or some similar, you could probably automate a fair amount of the typing that you were talking about:
Like this guy, who might (if you ask nicely) give you the source for his Engine.

Hamlet: The Text Adventure

The only idea I have would be to map it out with webpages.

I''ll give you an example. You come to a guy who says, "I have some great information for you." You can either say, "Piss off," or, "I''d like to hear it." Your responses would be links, and you click your response to see what happens.
A Wiki google) seems to be useful for what you''re thinking of.
Thanks, but I’m not looking for a text engine. I’m coding the dialog engine for my current project, but what I’m hoping for is a system for automating writing the script itself. Yes, I could write a MFC tool for it, and I will if I have to, but I’m hoping there’s something else I can use instead.

Right now it’s being done in html. There’s a link up top with a fragment of the script I’m working on, done in dreamweaver pointing to word docs. The only problem with doing it that way is that it takes way too long.

I took a look at wiki, and I’m not really sure that’s what I’m looking for. Maybe I’m not really explaining very well what the problem is.

Trying another way: Does anyone else write scripts for branching plotlines, and if so, how do you go about it?
Take a look at some of the screenwriting sights, like

They have lots of screenwriting software. A simple search should give you almost all you could find.

One of the screenwriting packages I toyed around with years ago had customizations up the wazoo, and you should be able to pretty easily configure what you need to keep your data organized and comprehensible, as well as formatted to the way you need it.


Always without desire we must be found, If its deep mystery we would sound; But if desire always within us be, Its outer fringe is all that we shall see. - The Tao

quote: Original post by orionx103
The only idea I have would be to map it out with webpages.

Ok, this doesn''t really help, but I''m curious: isn''t XML supposed to be the standard form of storing structured data (like dialogs with subdialogs with sub-subdialogs etc.)?

If it is so, maybe a good XML editor is all you need, especially if it has macro expansion and stuff (you type

and it expands it to

which you might configure to:

John, Mary, SELF

John turns towards Mary, holding an apple...

SELF, would you like the apple


Are you sure, SELF?




Well, it was just a thought about the actual scripting :D


Well, I don''t know anything about XML, so the only idea I had was to map it out in webpages.
Perhaps use a relational database that stores all the dialog.
Different circumstances would call on different tables and areas of each table.
From what you are talking about and the html page you produced, it sounds like you want a flow chart. After saying that, theres numerous tools that exist to let you more efficiently design a flow chart, and I''m not really familar with any of them, save for hearing of UML one time. A good flow charting software should make most of this easier though, specifically creating the "dialogue path choices" which seem to be the hard problem.

The person who suggested a wiki has a decent idea, but wikis are, in general, hard to display the "over view" of the entire system, usually you can just see individial nodes.

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