
Project Esper! Game Development!

Started by December 23, 2003 10:39 PM
9 comments, last by Definative 21 years, 2 months ago
Ok so here are a few things that I thought would add some interest to to the ongrowing mmorpg world. Give the players more options so they will want to replay the game again. Ok heres a few features I thought of adding to Project Esper. Characters: 8 Ring slots Tattoo Slots Armor Slots a full break down of armor. Not just a few pieces of armor and your done. Armor: Like Diablo II may upgrade armor threw slots and gems. Of course exceptional armor is going to have to crafted with such items and minerals, books, and trade skills. Class: Monster summoning Monster creation and development Mecha Piloting Mutation Well this is a few ideas I had at the moment. If you can think of anything else that would make an mmorpg better post. I would love to hear them and maybe integrate those ideas into this game. .:: Definative ::.
.:: Definative ::.
More of a randomly generated spell system. Characters find scrolls like they do items from diablo2. Scroll''s are learned into spell books, eventually building powerful spells. Scrolls are things like +1 illumination. +2 fire. every scroll is different magical affectors. With this a player could keep a spell around on a page that used two scrolls. one that lights a tiny flame, and one that illuminates an entire room. The spell would then light an entire room with just a single flame cast on an object. Make sure not to light your wooden staff of flame of course.

Spell books and pages:
Spell books are like armour. Spell books have pages. One page = one spell. You can start out in the game with a 5 page spell book, each page with 3 slots for writing scrolls into them. Once a slot is filled it can not be erased. Some pages might be special pages and have one slot be the predominant area of the spell. Special spell slots for special pages. The book you own can have pages inserted into it to a max setting depending on the book. There may even be special books you can find. Some books may be limited to what kind of pages they can take (no pages that would enhance necromantic scrolls for example) yet enhance other pages (pages that would enhance angelic intervention scrolls)
Have factions mean more than just having NPC guards attack you when you enter town. If players in different areas of the world are opposed, they should be able to kill each other. Of course, this requires more protection from high-level NPC''s, but it adds to realism. In a highly populated world, you''d be a fool to wander out far enough without knowing where your faction''s posts are. At the same time, enemy players will have to fight their way in if they feel like killing newbies. Of course, NPC killing should be a high-risk, low-reward act to discourage that kind of thing from going rampant. PvP is a big issue in MMORPG''s, and I don''t think that any game so far has created a solid enough system that allows PvP and non-PvP players to coexist "peacefully".

Making Quests
Leading a faction(or guild, if you will) should carry some responsibility. Therefore, there should be a Guild Bank, or other metaphysical manifestation of how powerful a Guild is without simply counting its members. So, Guild leaders and officers should be allowed the ability to give quests. They can enter whatever kind of story they want, but basically they''re just defining terms(go here, kill this, talk to him, come back) and rewards(armor, $$$). If you created a way for opposing Guilds to affect each other''s influence in the game world, that would most definitely become the main focus. Imagine infiltrating a Guild''s fortress(yes, Guild leaders can buy land and build a fortress) and stealing their prized artifact. Speaking of which...

Prized Artifacts
There should be something in the game that ultimately has to be acquired, right? Something tht would give unlimited power(in some form) to anyone who touches it. Maybe these artifacts summon armies of undead. Maybe they are fabled to be symbols of the world''s next supreme ruler. Of course, combining ALL of the artifacts would spell doom for the whole world. So, these well-hidden artifacts(whose location will be tracked by the master server) will serve as an ultimate prize and be sought by everyone wanting to know what they do. I don''t know, the historical application of this is your choosing. Just try to think in terms of Bilbo''s ring, except don''t. Imagine a L5 player killing an Angry Spider and looting "Strange Jewel". He doesn''t know what it does, but he happens to have incredible luck while he''s holding it. Of course he''ll pick up on this, and seek the jewel''s true nature. This will start a whole new underlying story besides the quests he''s doing. Imagine some schmoe talking to his guild master:

SCHMOE: yeah i just found this jewel thingy
GUILD: what''s it do?
SCHMOE: dunno but it gives me more power somehow
GUILD: what''s the descrip say?
SCHMOE: (item description here)
GUILD: OMGZWTF!!?!!one(shift+1)! i''ll buy it for 50000G!
SCHMOE: really? i couldn''t sell it at teh store
GUILD: ya i''ll take it!
SCHMOE: if it''s worth that much i''ll just keep it thx
GUILD: insolent fool!!1 how bout 75000?
SCHMOE: no thx bye

(2 days later, in secret guild laboratory...)
GUILD: i''m hiring you to take out this guy
ENEMY: ok how much
GUILD: i''ll pay you 1000G he''s easy just loot him and get his stuuf to me
ENEMY: um... ok

(later that day...)
ENEMY: OMGZ!!111 ther he is! I KILL YOU!
SCHMOE: arghz! i died! sweet jesus why??
ENEMY: ok now looting... wha? "Strange Jewel"???!
SCHMOE: no stop(presses RESPAWN)
ENEMY: NOOOOO!!!11!!!one! it was almost in my hands!!

ENEMY goes off to tell his friends, GUILD still waits to hear word, SCHMOE finds somewhere safe to put the Jewel while dealing with the problems of instant celebrity. Madness ensues! Yay!

If you want more ideas, Just give me some more time.

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Also Known As:
The Number 2 Mind
He Who Enjoys Bread
Able to End Interesting Threads w/a Single Inane Post
____________Numbermind StudiosCurrently in hibernation.

*Normal* games have a set amount of magic... well.. all games do. When you fight a mage (after playing forever) the special effects get kind of boring. "Oh, well, I cast my lv.5 fire on you, you cast lv.7 wind on me. Crap. I died."

What REALLY needs to be done is:

Mage1: "Die fool!" {casts Fire2}
{Mage2 takes 55HP damage}
Mage2: "hmph" {casts Omega Beam of Instant Death}
Mage1: "WTF??" {much surprise}
{cool special effects. Mage1 is in awe}
{Mage1 takes 5000HP damage}

If I''m going to die at the hands of the most powerful mage in the MMORPG, I want to at least see the great power that kills me... not some same-thing magic that just does insanely more damage because it''s a better caster. Spellbook idea is cool too.
All great ideas thus far I really do agree on the magic add more. ok few more ideas would adding some feutures like shadowbane be cool as far as building your own community? I thought it would be a cool idea. keep the ideas flowin im really interested in what else would make this rpg good.
.:: Definative ::.
Instead of just having a spell succeed or fail, have partial successes/failures.

I.e. Spell caster summons a huge demon to kill his enemy but fails the control portion of the spell. Demon runs amok and kills it''s summoner.
Spell caster summons a huge demon to kill his enemy but instead summons a flock of fuzzy bunnies fully under his control.
Sometimes too much armor choices can be annoying
maybe torso, arms, legs, head
Well more armor choices add to later gameing. If you catch my drift you know the whole mecha thing. Anyways had some more ideas as far as armor. I would like to add piercing. Another class i was thinking about was samurai in which case are very similiar to the jedi knights in star wars. I think thats where the idea for the jedi come from theres is alot of similarity in it.
.:: Definative ::.
What would be very cool in a rpg game is the destruction of everything and it doesn''t come. I know this would be long to make but somthing that could let you burn your friends is house would be very cool. I say this as a gamer and not a programmer cause I know this would take long to realise.

Sounds to like like EverQuest already did two thirds of these things in one way or another. 4 years ago...
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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