

Started by January 16, 2004 11:03 PM
18 comments, last by maxd gaming 21 years ago
Edit. Added new copy with new dates... 2012: The UN convinces the last of __(#)__ countries to sign the contract which unites all the countries to one super-continent "Earth". For this a single government is elected, as well as a single currency. Once in power "John Smith" (governer) brings the armies of the world into one force "GD". It is meant to fight the one last threat known to earth. Terrorism. 2021: After nine succsesful years of a global alliance the tesion between nations had started to release. Nasa and other space agencies join together to form the EGEP (Earths Galactic Exploration Program) 2034: Having already colonized small parts of Mars EGEP looks toward research in other life forms in the universe. 2042: EGEP releases information on advanced life-form readings in a not to distant Universe. They also announce thier plans to find contact them 2056: EGEP announces the finish of a ship slightly larger than the city of New York, able to hold over 10,000,000 people. It is called GRUNTAKTICA and it is fit for exploring the most outter regions of space. Within weeks scientists, researchers, Troops from GD as well as wealthy citizens board the Gruntaktica. Meanwhile GD makes a staement to the council-members of earth of Earth asking them to consider turning mars into a large prison state. 2057: The inhabitnets of Mars are all safely back to earth (and enjoying blue skys and oceans I might add) and the convicts of earth for the most part, are on mars. On Gruntaktica everything is working fine as planned and they are well on course for their 12 year Journey. 2062: EGEP announces a loss of signal between Earth and Gruntaktica, but assures the citizens everything is fine, They are just to far away to be contacted with the technology they have at the time. End Of Intro * * * * * * * * 2067: A call of distress made by Gruntaktica is heard by an outpost space station owned by the GD. A large Fleet of Spacecraft is sent out to rescue Gruntaktica. 2068: The prisoners of mars send a message telling the GD that they can not send any more prisoners to Mars. From now on they will be a civilized group known as COM (Colonists Of Mars). 2070: The people of earth, so eager to see the age of space exploration come to life, seemed to forget of all the prisoners they were sending to mars. The COM had the supplies to create an army. An army much like the one of GD. A revolt of COM towards the GD caught everyone by surprise.OPERATION: LOW TIDE was the codename of COM's attack. A main power source for the GD was was located on the moon. So a suicide bomber armed with the largest bombs ever seen by man was directed towards a cold fusion plant on the moon. with over half of the GD's fleet out in search of Gruntaktica, COM blew the moon into many chunks destroying most of the remaining GD and screwing up the Earth's tides (and uhh what else is affected by the MOON?) MORE TO COME! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW COPY 2112: The UN convinces the last of __(#)__ countries to sign the contract which unites all the countries to one super-continent "Earth". For this a single government is elected, as well as a single currency. Once in power "John Smith" (governer) brings the armies of the world into one force "GD". It is meant to fight the one last threat known to earth. Terrorism. 2121: After nine succsesful years of a global alliance the tesion between nations had started to release. Nasa and other space agencies join together to form the EGEP (Earths Galactic Exploration Program) 2134: Having already colonized small parts of Mars EGEP looks toward research in other life forms in the universe. 2142: EGEP releases information on advanced life-form readings in a not to distant Universe. They also announce thier plans to find contact them 2456-2457: EGEP announces the finish of a ship slightly larger than the city of New York, able to hold over 10,000,000 people. It is called GRUNTAKTICA and it is fit for exploring the most outter regions of space. Within weeks scientists, researchers, Troops from GD as well as wealthy citizens board the Gruntaktica. Meanwhile GD makes a staement to the council-members of earth of Earth asking them to consider turning mars into a large prison state. 2560: The inhabitnets of Mars are all safely back to earth (and enjoying blue skys and oceans I might add) and the convicts of earth for the most part, are on mars. On Gruntaktica everything is working fine as planned and they are well on course for their 120 year Journey. 2662: EGEP announces a loss of signal between Earth and Gruntaktica, but assures the citizens everything is fine, They are just to far away to be contacted with the technology they have at the time. End Of Intro * * * * * * * * 2679: A call of distress made by Gruntaktica is heard by an outpost space station owned by the GD. A large Fleet of Spacecraft is sent out to rescue Gruntaktica. 2688: The prisoners of mars send a message telling the GD that they can not send any more prisoners to Mars. From now on they will be a civilized group known as COM (Colonists Of Mars). 2770: The people of earth, so eager to see the age of space exploration come to life, seemed to forget of all the prisoners they were sending to mars. The COM had the supplies to create an army. An army much like the one of GD. A revolt of COM towards the GD caught everyone by surprise.OPERATION: LOW TIDE was the codename of COM's attack. A main power source for the GD was was located on the moon. So a suicide bomber armed with the largest bombs ever seen by man was directed towards a cold fusion plant on the moon. with over half of the GD's fleet out in search of Gruntaktica, COM blew the moon into many chunks destroying most of the remaining GD and screwing up the Earth's tides (and uhh what else is affected by the MOON?) MORE TO COME! The story-line was written by a friend of mine of my ideas C&C PLEASE!!! It's Maxd Gaming, put in an underscore and I will beat you with a rubber ducky! { Check out my Forum } { My First Space Art (Ever) }{ My .Net Information }{ A upcoming space RTS codenamed Gruntacktica . }{ . } Not following the new trend: Looky here mommy! No cow pic! [edited by - Maxd Gaming on January 16, 2004 12:06:15 AM] [edited by - Maxd Gaming on January 16, 2004 12:12:41 AM] [edited by - Maxd Gaming on January 16, 2004 12:13:05 AM] [edited by - Maxd Gaming on January 17, 2004 4:31:23 PM]
The Untitled RPG - |||||||||| 40%Free Music for your gamesOriginal post by capn_midnight 23yrold, is your ass burning from all the kissing it is recieving?
Well, I sincerely hope you aren''t trying for an even remotely "realistic" storyline here. This is further from reality than some of the fantasy stories here, and that''s serious flaw in a genre like Sci-Fi where the possibilty is what makes it so intriguing.

First off, can you seriously see all the nations of Earth being united into a single political entity by 2012? I''m from Canada, so we know a little about trying to get states to join/stay in a federal union - like that would have to be; it''s very difficuly. Hell, to keep ONE, ethnically similar majority pacified took us almost 30 years - and they wanted to stay! Now extrapolate for thousands, and you''ve got an impossiblity.

Secondly, you can''t have "not-so" distant universes. There is only one (quantum theory be damnned) and it''s very large. Your statement makes no sense.

Third, why is the ship named GRUNTAKTICA? Because it sounds cool, is my feeling. Generally ships are not named for nonsensical, if cool-sounding, words.

Forth, it''s frankly impossible to get an agency founded in 2021 to build a ship the size of NY before 2056. No production technology is even remotely feasible that would allow such a timeframe. Hell, the DESIGN phase would probably take that long.

Fifth, how is a "12-year journey" going to explore the "outer-most regions of space". As far as I know, faster than light travel doesn''t have any basis in reality or your version thereof.

Sixth, how did the transfer of ALL earth''s prisoners to mars take place in a single year? Sounds impossible to me.

Seventh, how are the COM able to raise an army and gain access to unimaginably powerful explosives on a barren, airless world that was designed to be a prison colony? "Well, we just figured we could leave the bombs there with all the prisoners..."

Eighth, why would a cold-fusion plant be on the moon if it''s powering earth? Earth has lots of land, and cold-fusion plants aren''t all that large (in principle)

Ninth, why blow up the moon? Why not just the plant? Sounds like drama for it''s own sake.

Tenth, seriously rethink this plot. It''s got holes the size of, well, that moon-explosion you detailed.

Good luck,

Nothing to it. Here''s what you do:

Expand the timeline so that it takes a few hundred years

Have the moon be TURNED INTO a cold fusion plant (with the capacity to transfer energy through space, like a radio signal)

Terraform Mars (if you were going to asphyxiate all the prisoners, you could have just dropped them into the ocean), and give the prisoners the technology needed to produce food, and have that technology powered by fusion cells that are converted into gigantic H-Bombs by the resident evil genius.

Change "not-too-distant Universe" to "not-too-distant GALAXY"

Have the main engineer for the interstellar craft project be named Joshua Gruntaktica.

Badda-bing, badda-boom. It''s airtight.
Is ''Gruntaktica'' supposed to sound cool? Worst name ever IMHO.

And according to some documentary on discovery losing the moon would be quite a disaster. The earth''s axis would not keep it''s 23 degree tilt, it would start to wobble, and this would give pretty interesting weather and no doubt massive environmental disasters. Polar ice caps melting causing sea levels to rise and funny stuff like that.
Then I guess we''d have to conquer Mars, and go live there...
(continuing Lantz''s reply)
... not to mention huge chunks of titanium rock falling back into Earth and destroying all life (the axis thing could take 50-200 years to really matter i guestimate)...

[Hugo Ferreira][Positronic Dreams][Colibri 3D Engine][Entropy HL2 MOD][Yann L.][Enginuity]
The most irrefutable evidence that there is intelligent life in the Universe is that they haven''t contacted us!

That''s why the moon has to be blown AWAY from Earth. After all, if the blast comes from between the earth and the moon, centrifugal force will whip the bits into space. The blast itself would have little impact on earth, because it would be directive by a magnetic field in the shape of a parabolic cone.
You cant generate a big enough blast to blow AWAY the moon, the amount of energy necessary to reduce to moon to dust is ridiculously high, and something that powerful would probably have an immediate effect on Earth, like shatering our magnetic poles, or ionizing the atmosphere or something...

Planets or planetoids cant just be blown away... the only method to do this is a next generation explosive i''ve thought of, the Golden Needle, but it would be so powerful it would probably generate a black hole...

[Hugo Ferreira][Positronic Dreams][Colibri 3D Engine][Entropy HL2 MOD][Yann L.][Enginuity]
The most irrefutable evidence that there is intelligent life in the Universe is that they haven''t contacted us!

Well, I sincerely hope you aren''t trying for an even remotely "realistic" storyline here. This is further from reality than some of the fantasy stories here, and that''s serious flaw in a genre like Sci-Fi where the possibilty is what makes it so intriguing.


First off, can you seriously see all the nations of Earth being united into a single political entity by 2012? I''m from Canada, so we know a little about trying to get states to join/stay in a federal union - like that would have to be; it''s very difficuly. Hell, to keep ONE, ethnically similar majority pacified took us almost 30 years - and they wanted to stay! Now extrapolate for thousands, and you''ve got an impossiblity.

Dates can be changed...

Secondly, you can''t have "not-so" distant universes. There is only one (quantum theory be damnned) and it''s very large. Your statement makes no sense.

Hows not so distant galaxies?

Third, why is the ship named GRUNTAKTICA? Because it sounds cool, is my feeling. Generally ships are not named for nonsensical, if cool-sounding, words.

Got a better name? Please suggest?

Forth, it''s frankly impossible to get an agency founded in 2021 to build a ship the size of NY before 2056. No production technology is even remotely feasible that would allow such a timeframe. Hell, the DESIGN phase would probably take that long.

Hmm... Dates can be changed

Fifth, how is a "12-year journey" going to explore the "outer-most regions of space". As far as I know, faster than light travel doesn''t have any basis in reality or your version thereof.

I told my friend that, I was thinking 120 years... (opinions?)
Sixth, how did the transfer of ALL earth''s prisoners to mars take place in a single year? Sounds impossible to me.

Seventh, how are the COM able to raise an army and gain access to unimaginably powerful explosives on a barren, airless world that was designed to be a prison colony? "Well, we just figured we could leave the bombs there with all the prisoners..."

Critical story part was left out there (he forgot I guess):

They find a crashed ship on a dark "corner" of mars. Fix it up with some of the laser guns the Earth people left ''em (hoping they would kill each other or something) and went to a newly dicovered planet (by them obviously) and found what they needed built up a small economy and there you have it.

Eighth, why would a cold-fusion plant be on the moon if it''s powering earth? Earth has lots of land, and cold-fusion plants aren''t all that large (in principle)

Hmm, how bout a large solar plant or something.... better: they turned the moon into a large cold-fusion (wait... what is cold fusion LOL seriously) plant because they needed extra power for GRUNTAKTICA

Ninth, why blow up the moon? Why not just the plant? Sounds like drama for it''s own sake.

Read above... the moon is now the cold fusion plant

Tenth, seriously rethink this plot. It''s got holes the size of, well, that moon-explosion you detailed.

Well, thanks for the help.

It''s Maxd Gaming, put in an underscore and I will beat you with a rubber ducky!
{ Check out my Forum } { My First Space Art (Ever) }{ My .Net Information }{ A upcoming space RTS codenamed Gruntacktica . }{ . }

Not following the new trend:
Looky here mommy! No cow pic!

The Untitled RPG - |||||||||| 40%Free Music for your gamesOriginal post by capn_midnight 23yrold, is your ass burning from all the kissing it is recieving?
Authority of Planets
Autonarchic Unity of Spheres
Heavenly State of Systems
Independent Territories
Industrial Empire
Mercantile Imperium of Worlds
Spheres'' Commonwealth
Sun''s Collective
System''s Collective
Worlds'' Oligarcy

Like any of those for the large government that runs the Earth?

It''s Maxd Gaming, put in an underscore and I will beat you with a rubber ducky!
{ Check out my Forum } { My First Space Art (Ever) }{ My .Net Information }{ A upcoming space RTS codenamed Gruntacktica . }{ . }

Not following the new trend:
Looky here mommy! No cow pic!

The Untitled RPG - |||||||||| 40%Free Music for your gamesOriginal post by capn_midnight 23yrold, is your ass burning from all the kissing it is recieving?

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