
VGA Assembly Language Tutorials

Started by July 28, 2000 12:10 PM
12 comments, last by whiteLightning 24 years, 5 months ago
Does anyone know where I could find some good tutorials on programming in mode 13h in Assembly without having to rely on any DOS interrupts?
Yes! Read Micheal Abrash''sGraphic Programming Black Book Special Edition!

Thanks a lot! I''ll have to check it out.
Anyone know of any online tutorials on this topic...If so, where can I find ''em. Any suggestions are much appreciated!
I think it was chapter 30 that tells you everything about VGA and gives all the asselbly listings you need for it.
You can read Michael Abrash''s book on the IT knowledge website. Here''s a link to the book. You need to subscribe though. You can get up to 30 days free (you usually get two weeks free), and then you need to start paying for the services provide. Once you register you can read all the books that are there.

btw, I''ll put something together, like a simple program that plots pixels on the VGA screen in ASM, as a sample code for you to work with. Once I get a chance that is.

That's just my 200 bucks' worth!

Hey Gladiator, thanks. That sounds real good. I''ll also have to check out that site you mentioned.
Some links to graphics/game programming (not ASM specific though).

Here''s an ASM tutorial and the main page where you''ll find A LOT more tutorials on graphics programming in DOS, and ASM language.

Here''s some code from me too. If you need more help/explanation, please let me know!

    .model tiny.code	org 100hstart:	mov	ax, 0013h	;\ Get into mode 13h	call	SetMode		;/	;; Plots a white pixel at the center of the screen	;; PutPixel(160, 100, 15)	mov	bx, 160		; BX = X-coord	mov	dx, 100		; DX = Y-coord	mov	al, 15		; AL = Color	call	PutPixel	; Plot the pixel	mov	ax, 0003h	;\ Go back to text mode	call	SetMode		;/	mov	ax, 4c00h	;\ Exit your program and give	int	21h		;/ the control back to DOS;///////////////;// AX = Mode //;///////////////SetMode		proc near	int	10h	retSetMode		endp;////////////////////////////////;// BX = X; DX = Y; AL = Color //;////////////////////////////////PutPixel	proc near	push	di		; save DI because we''re going to use it	push	0A000h		;\ ES = VGA Address (A000:0000)	pop	es		;/ Faster than "mov ax, 0A000h"	shl	dx, 6		;  Y(DI) = (Y << 8) + (Y << 6)	mov	di, dx		;  Basically, shifts the Y value to the left	shl	di, 2		;  by 6, and then moves it to another register,	add	di, dx		;  shifting it by 2 to the left. Now we have				;  the Y coord shifted by 8 in one register,				;  the Y coord shiften by 6 in another register				;  Then we just add both and we get Y*320	add	di, bx		; location = Y + X	mov	es:[di], al	; Store pixel at location (x,y) in the VGA	pop	di		; restore DI''s contents	ret			; ReturnPutPixel	endpend start    

That's just my 200 bucks' worth!

Copy and paste into notepad

That's just my 200 bucks' worth!

Thank you Gladiator! This is the first time I''ve used the forum and I think it''s great. You have been very helpful and thank you for taking the time to make that example code!

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