
A different take on an RPG?

Started by April 24, 2004 09:25 AM
3 comments, last by boolean 20 years, 5 months ago
Just a quick thought before I go to bed. Also, im not sure if this should be in the design thread or not... Ok, I just saw the preview of the movie ''The day after tommorow'', where NewYork gets turned into the ice age due to global warming. After most of the city gets wiped out, the survivors come out of hiding to find the city frozen in snow and ice. What I was thinking was, imagine an RPG in this kind of setting. Instead of running around fighting monsters, you would be helping people get generators going, trying to stop people from dying, exploring a wasteland. I think part of the reason I find this idea appealing is that the whole ''save the world thing'' cant be done, since the world is already fucked. The best you can do is help yourself and others by using humanitarian aid rather than swords and magic. Ok, I might elaborate on this further when I get a bit more sleep. Hope the post above is enough to spark some feedback.
It would be a good idea to check out Fallout and Fallout 2

I know that ther is a game like that out there i just forget the name. The whole story plot is that your on an island that was the expirement of some stuff so now random natural disasters happen. you have to help people out and keep yourself alive by always finding water to drink.
there was also a great game made between Bard''s Tale and Bard''s Tale 3 called Wasteland ... great post apocalyptic RPG in the old grid map style ... and some damn good puzzles and plots too, if you ever lived long enough to get to them (the first super dangerous mission involved surviving against a few bunnies
I do believe that Wasteland was the predecessor to Fallout and Fallout 2. All 3 games are well worth playing.

I like the idea of a MMO survival in a post-apoc world, at least if the apocolypse was an act of nature anyway. If there were radiation from nuclear war that would be another matter. But putting players in ruins of the city they once lived seems like a good idea. Perhaps let them pick froma list of jobs that they could have had in their old life. This could give them skills for the new one. Basically, a doctor would be able to treat injuries better than a construction worker, but he might be able to dig people out of the rubble faster than a doctor.

Players would be put in the "What would you do?" situation. They have to think of what to do so they can survive in the new world. Get a gun? Find the nearest grocery store? Look for a generator to make power? Eventually, people are going to establish some kind order. That''s when you will see groups like the fallout series. I mean the humanitarian feeling will wear off once people start to feel safe and then they might decide they want control of everything.

Let''s sum it all up. To make this game you would have to ask alot of questions. To make it realistic you would have to do alot of research.

WOudl that world be that bad, I mean lawyers would be screwed and that''s never a bad thing.

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