
Simple 3D-Engine?

Started by August 11, 2000 06:19 AM
8 comments, last by kns 24 years, 1 month ago
I''m in need of a ''simple'' way to generate mazes with appropriate textures for the walls, floor, and ceiling. Further, unlike Lesson10, the user should not be able to walk through the walls. Any suggestions about available DOS or Win9x libraries/engines would be much appreciated. Thanks, KNS
ouch!!! a simple way to make a 3d engine?! there is no function glDoMy3DEngine() in ogl (and it would be not funny )!!! Nothing is very difficult but it needs a lot of work! First learn how to draw, how to apply texture, how to do nice and easy effects such as blending, fog,... For this first step, follow NeHe tutorials : they are as good as possible! Second learn and THINK how you want to implement user input (keyboard? mouse?) Third THINK how to detect a collision between user and walls.

good luck and happy coding!

Hey KNS-

To make your life easier (and to focus on the meat & potatoes),
I recommend using an existing map format. Oodles of documents
can be found on all three Quake BSP formats, etc - and there
are an abundance of maps out there for your testing purposes.

Just a thought,
keep collision detection in mind throughout your project. come up with some simple solutions for the time being even if they are very slow and not robust.

a major trap is to add collision detection as an afterthought, while it needs to be isolated in the project as much as possible, it also needs to be implemented at the outset as it truly effects the way a user interacts with a changing scene.
Thanks for the replies, but I should clarify. I have no desire
to create a game. My needs are restricted to creating a maze
that can be navigated via the keyboard while at the same time
preventing the user from passing through walls. As such, I''m
willing to exploit an existing 3D-engine. Unfortunately, many
of the existing 3D-gaming libraries are overly complicated or
involved for my needs, hence my request for a "simple 3D-engine".

If I take Lesson 10 as a starting point that leaves the
collision detection as my remaining hurdle. I had hoped that
such functionality was available as a simple library, or incorporated in a small 3D-engine that could be easily compiled
under DOS/DJGPP or Win9x. (As you can see, I know very little
about what is involved in creating these 3D environments. I will
definitely have to explore some of the suggestions offered.)

i''d take a look at the Half-Life SDK. You could write a Mod.
then u wouldn''t have to argue with Collision Detection, Texture coordinates and all that stuff...

that''s just my opinion..


Visit Rarebyte!
and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this questions a few times over in the states ;)
Visit Rarebyte! and no!, there are NO kangaroos in Austria (I got this question a few times over in the states ;) )
Take a look in the glVelocity Engine.

Its quite simple and easy to learn and it deals with camera colision detection.

It have an example to undestand how it works.

And your 3d landscape can be drawn in 3dsmax or autocad or something like that and it must be exported to *.obj

Thats all

for indoor maze stuff i recommend genesis3d
also have a look at crystalspace
Well if the maze you wish to create is simple such as a grid arrangement it is easy enough.

Just create a grid of 1''s and 0''s and lay out the maze with 1''s being walls 0''s clear etc.....

Then you just need to check against a grid.

If predefined positions arent what you need you might want to look into raycasting techniques.

They are simple enough to implement though somewhat restrictive.

My 2c, Cel
Cel aka Raze
You might also want to check out the Geometry section of Paul Bourke''s site (, it has lots of stuff that can be used for collision detection.


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