Linker error LNK 2019 with SDL

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3 comments, last by mrtuti_17 19 years, 11 months ago
I have searched the forums for my solution, but the problem has not yet been fixed. I am receiving a LNK 2019 error and I am including all the necessary libraries (sdl.lib and sdlmain.lib) in my project. It is set to use a multi-threaded DLL. The environment has been set up to use the SDL include directories as well. Here''s the error: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _SDL_main referenced in function _main When I comment out SDL.h, the program compiles (although i can''t run sdl code obviously). Can anyone help? Thanks, Justin
Can you show your main() function?
//sdl library#include "SDL.h"#include <string>#include <fstream>using namespace std;//#include "Sprite.h"//globals///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int SCREEN_WIDTH = 800;int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600;//game states#define GAME_STATE_INITIALIZE	0#define GAME_STATE_MAIN_MENU	1#define GAME_STATE_ACTION		2#define GAME_STATE_VIGNETTE		3#define GAME_STATE_QUIT			4#define GAME_STATE_EXIT			5//MAIN////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void main(){	//display surface	SDL_Surface* g_pDisplaySurface = NULL;	//bitmap surface	SDL_Surface* g_pBitmapSurface = NULL;	//event structure	SDL_Event g_Event;	//source and destination rectangles	SDL_Rect g_SrcRect,g_DstRect;	//clipping rectangle	SDL_Rect g_ClipRect;	//initialize SDL	if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)==-1)	{		//error initializing SDL		//report the error		fprintf(stderr,"Could not initialize SDL!\n");		//end the program		exit(1);	}	else	{		//SDL initialized		//report success		fprintf(stdout,"SDL initialized properly!\n");		//set up to uninitialize SDL at exit		atexit(SDL_Quit);	}	//create windowed environment	g_pDisplaySurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH,SCREEN_HEIGHT,0,SDL_ANYFORMAT);	//error check	if (g_pDisplaySurface == NULL)	{		//report error		fprintf(stderr,"Could not set up display surface!\n");		//exit the program		exit(1);	}	//set up the clipping rectangle	g_ClipRect.x=32;	g_ClipRect.y=32;	g_ClipRect.w=SCREEN_WIDTH-64;	g_ClipRect.h=SCREEN_HEIGHT-64;	//set the clip rect	SDL_SetClipRect(g_pDisplaySurface,&g_ClipRect);	//initial game state	int game_state = GAME_STATE_INITIALIZE;	//quit the game?	bool quit = false;	//make the game run until it's over and all resources have been deallocated	while(!quit)	{		switch(game_state)		{		//game state initialize		case GAME_STATE_INITIALIZE:			{				game_state = GAME_STATE_MAIN_MENU;				break;			}		//game state main menu		case GAME_STATE_MAIN_MENU:			{								game_state = GAME_STATE_ACTION;				break;			}		//game state action		case GAME_STATE_ACTION:			{				//Sprite mysp("test.txt", g_pDisplaySurface);				//mysp.drawSprite();				break;			}		//game state vignette		case GAME_STATE_VIGNETTE:			{								game_state = GAME_STATE_ACTION;				break;			}		//game state quit		case GAME_STATE_QUIT:			{				//clean up				game_state = GAME_STATE_EXIT;				break;			}		//game state exit		case GAME_STATE_EXIT:			{				quit = true;				break;			}		}	}

[edited by - mrtuti_17 on June 3, 2004 10:16:29 PM]
Use int main(int argc, char **argv) instead of void main()
THANK YOU!!! :-)

I''ve been stuck on that one for hours!

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