i don´t wanna problem with anyone(i already have enough ones), see? it gone, is not more here who talk it.
but my point is: if i can buy legal games, i buy it( all my pc games a legal( i buyed it with magazines). and during the saturn era legal saturns games was expensive. but they are there so i buyed it, what i can´t do now since the economical crisis that brazil is in now.
and in teory, i can go to a tribunal to see if the my psx games are legal or not. why? becouse they are only protect by international laws, not national ones, if i remenber well this even happened sometimes ago with a company that used a pirated copy of a software that don´t have a national copyright. weird don´t? in brazil anything can happen when you have money
and the truth is they don´t care about us. and in brazil pirated software is somehow "legal", when i get a pirate game i don´t do like i´m geting drugs or something, is in a store like any other one.
i live in a coutry that there people that won 150 bucks for month to live( it is not enough not even for food). the govern don´t care about us, and there no way out. here to you have money to buy pirated stuff you must be someone that owns a realy good job.
here in brazil there only one law that works "the strong survive". is a war here my friend. believe me.
and about buy things on amazon, well you think that i don´t tried it yet?? they don´t make imports of eletronic/toys articles
and i already tried all the stores that appear at EGM magazine, and most of it don´t make imports. thre was ones that maked but after the finantial crisis of brazil a single game will end more that 250 bucks!! and i can´t pay it ( remenber a normal person here own more or less 500 bucks for month to buy food, cloths etc..)
the 3d max don´t was a example how expensive a software is, is how dificult to find especialized software. i never saw i legal copy of it to sell here, the same happens to compilers and less general software.
about my computer. my mom praticaly gived one arm to buy it to me.( it costed 1600R$ !!!!!!!! my mom is paying about 300 by month since march, i think that she finish paying it last month)
well thats all, no more talk on the subject.
There´s no ugly woman
You that didn´t drink enough
A brazilian popular belief
Edited by - The Alchemist on September 14, 2000 4:59:11 AM
"Everything works out in the end, if it doesn't then it is not the end"