
How I write my games...

Started by September 09, 2000 03:01 PM
0 comments, last by Piksel 20 years, 4 months ago
I like sidescroller games, and other non-RPG games. I like playing games, not exactly becoming a person in a game, and because of this I think that I probably write my games differently. I also write them differently probably, because I haven''t written all that many games. But here is how I tend to write my games: 1) Get an idea from some other game, and decide to make a game kinda like it (basically I play a game, and make a game that would fall into that particular genre of games, ex. I played Super Mario Brothers, so I made a sidescroller.) 2) I think of all the really cool things that could be in it (example. what kind of enemies, items, etc.), and then decide if this game would really be that cool. 3) I think about how different my game will be from the original game that I got the idea from. 4) I make a very simple engine for the game, (example, for the sidescroller, I made a drew a block that could move back and forth, and detect collision with another block), then I build on the engine (adding the ability to jump) 5) Then I get slightly better graphics (I''m not an artist, but a stick figure with slight animation looks better then a blue colored block) 6) I ask around for a free artist to help me improve the graphics (he/she also usually writes a story for the game, because I only like playing games, not having a story for them) 7) I improve the game (taking out bugs, and adding simple monsters, and items) 8) post a demo and get people''s opinions of what can be added or changed, or what bugs they have found 9) Fix all of these bugs, and add more complex stuff (example, different bad guys and items) 10) Post a second demo 11) Fix any new bugs found and maybe add a few simple finnishing touches (ex. a title screen) 12) Make some levels, and post the completed game 13) Possibly fix some new bugs, or whatever That is usually how I make a game, well that was basically, what I did for my sidescrolling game. What do other people do for their games? -piksel Piper's games
Cram them up...

Er, nevermind...

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