
I hate Lara Croft !

Started by September 11, 2000 09:25 AM
2 comments, last by Captain Iglo 24 years ago
In fact i hate her so much i''m making a game where you can kill her and other stupid video games heroes like mario and sonic. If you also hate Lara Croft, just check my website :
yay! include pikachu in there somewhere as well
Can''t say I hate Lara Croft, but if you throw JarJar Binks into the game...I''d certainly play it.

I still say that if Lucas released a 2-minute movie called "The Death of JarJar" it''d make more money than Episode 1 did. Heck, I''d probably even buy a no-longer-with-us JarJar action figure.

Christian Coders Network

Satisfied, Quantum ?

Edited by - Captain Iglo on September 11, 2000 5:45:05 PM

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