
Sex & computer games

Started by September 16, 2000 09:21 AM
48 comments, last by Ketchaval 24 years ago
You know Pokémon can have sex in Pokémon Gold/Silver so you can breed new types! I thought it was a kids game!

#pragma twice

quote: Original post by furby100

You know Pokémon can have sex in Pokémon Gold/Silver so you can breed new types! I thought it was a kids game!

Why is it that children must be protected from sex? I understand that pornography can give them a bad example, but hey c''mon, sex is THE essential part of life. There''s no life without sex (no, I don''t mean what you think I mean ).

Xenogears had implied sex twice, Miang and Ramsus, elly and Fei.

that helped to portray miang as what she was, a manipulator. you would always see her beside the leader of the day, but never as the leader. It helped round out her charactor as a manipulative adult.

On the other hand fei and elly were in love. Plain and simple (actualy it was Lacan and Sophia... but thats a long story...) then it helped you to feel that emotional bond with the charactors and help you to understand why Lacan then went a little crazy (i.e. Graf)

Anyway what i''m trying to say is that if there is a good reason for sex in the game (for story or to create a more intense drama, etc) then by all means yes, throw it in there. BUt when it starts being used as "hey lets put some sex or some t-n-a in the game, might make it sell better" then people are just being silly and missing the point all together.

i''m rambling, you guys got me talking about my favorite game ever, i guess i should go to sleep now...

Don't take life too seriously, you''ll never get out of it alive. -Bugs Bunny
-------------------------------------------------Don't take life too seriously, you''ll never get out of it alive. -Bugs Bunny
I think erotic games would be a good idea. Yes, sex is the expression of love between two people. But what are we all doing here? Building cities is abou making a home for humans, not moving sprites around. Wars are for fighting for justice and land and stuff, not enemy AI. But they are all expressed in computer games, for entertainment and education.

Think about it. Most people today learn sex either from teen dramas or porno magazines or romance novels, ranging from explicit to puritan, and NONE of which are realistic at all. Wouldn''t it be a neat idea to have an educational sex game?

I think it''s a good point though, about translating something like sex into a medium where you "win" or "lose." But I don''t agree that games have to be about "beating" someone. They can simply be about accomplishing something. That thing can be someone having their internals excavated with a large firearm, or some woman (or man) having a nice orgasm.

I think most of the concern stems from the idea that sex without an "emotional attachement" is cheap and sleazy. I agree entirely, but what that emotional attachment is, I think, can be anything. It could be a full-fledge relationship, but, perhaps, it could also be an attachment to the IDEA of a partner. In this way, i think an erotic computer game would not be "sleazy" or "shallow", any more than forming an emotional attachment to words on the page of a novel.

Another concern is the idea of making sex too common-place because of it''s saturation of the media (okay, using way too much imagery here). But the problem isn''t with sex, it''s with the media heads (including, unforunatly, some game developers) putting out sex in a way that quickly attracts and holds attention so they can make money. The woman are always pencil thin, with mammary glands that are probably slowly pulling the planet out of orbit. The people have intercourse like rabbits, but never get pregnant, or if they do, it''s just for the season finale. As game developers, thoguh, we have the choice to make love and sex appear as we personally see it, and to not just copy what other people have done.

Yes, sex is an expression of love, but it can also be a Thing Of Beauty just on it''s own sometimes. Just imagine the same sort of beauty present in some classical painting applied to games. If done right, putting sensual content into a game could add more dignity and emotional attachment than without.

Personally, I''d choose the oportunity to be with a beautiful woman over blowing someone up anyday, even if it was in a game. I think it''s a shame that some game designers think nothing of graphically rendering the killing millions of people (or imps, or trolls, or whatever), but balk at the idea of graphically making love to a man or woman in a game. Does western society really find a mutilated corpse more visually acceptable than a well proportioned unclothed figure? (( SHAKES HEAD AND TSSSKS))

-- SH
quote: Original post by SH
The woman are always pencil thin, with mammary glands that are probably slowly pulling the planet out of orbit. The people have intercourse like rabbits, but never get pregnant, or if they do, it''s just for the season finale.

I find it strange how some (many?) people find pencil-thin women with melons under their shirts (if they have shirts, most don''t) beautiful. Many of my friends are much more attractive than the stereotypic "babe" in a movie or a game.

quote: Original post by Selkrank
Why is it that children must be protected from sex? I understand that pornography can give them a bad example, but hey c'mon, sex is THE essential part of life. There's no life without sex (no, I don't mean what you think I mean ).

True, sex is how we create life, but we're not animals. Life has meaning and meaningless sex tends to strip away some of that meaning. When the parents roles are replaced by movies and games, some of the meaning is clouded or isn't presented in a way that would retain or support that meaning. AIDS/HIV in todays society is a direct result of the "free-sex" mentality of the 1960's, presenting sex in a careless fashion could perpetuated this disease.

If that isn't enough reason to protect children from sex...

Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser

Check Out:

Edited by - Dak Lozar on September 19, 2000 9:38:58 AM
Dave Dak Lozar Loeser
"Software Engineering is a race between the programmers, trying to make bigger and better fool-proof software, and the universe trying to make bigger fools. So far the Universe in winning."--anonymous
quote: Original post by Dak Lozar

True, sex is how we create life, but we''re not animals. Life has meaning and meaningless sex tends to strip away some of that meaning.

I didn''t mean children should have sex as soon as they mature sexually.

quote: When the parents roles are replaced by movies and games, some of the meaning is clouded or isn''t presented in a way that would retain or support that meaning. AIDS/HIV in todays society is a direct result of the "free-sex" mentality of the 1960''s, presenting sex in a careless fashion could perpetuated this disease.

Didn''t I just say that pornography would give children a bad example? But why hide the facts?

Calm down, no flame wars, stay on topic.

People might not remember what you said, or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.
~ (V)^|) |<é!t|-| ~
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
Hey dood chill out... I like sex too

I have two daughters and I am a single parent raising them full time. I have already talked with them about sex and what it should mean to them, the dangers of unprotected sex... and the end results of the act. As I said, the parents should be responsible for providing this information, not a game.

I don''t think sex should be hidden, all I''m saying (if you read my other post) is that it should be presented in a tasteful manner.

I don''t think Selkrank was flaming... This topic, like violence, is a touchy subject. It''s strange how I think that violence in games is OK. But, sex needs to be handled with care

Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser

Check Out:
Dave Dak Lozar Loeser
"Software Engineering is a race between the programmers, trying to make bigger and better fool-proof software, and the universe trying to make bigger fools. So far the Universe in winning."--anonymous
quote: Original post by MadKeithV

Calm down, no flame wars, stay on topic.

Sorry, didn''t mean to "flame", I think I was merely heating up.

But, back to topic?


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