Original post by Sta7ic
C3 (command, control, communications) is also something to consider.
"Help me Obi Wan Kenobe, you're our only hope." [smile]
C3 for you to go after and C3 for allies to report what's going on would be very helpful, you're right. You'd have to somehow always be able to get a message no matter where you were. Or would you? If you're spelunking through underground ruins at the edge of the galaxy, you may not know that the brother of that dictator you deposed has taken over again and slaughtered hundreds of people... until you come out.
A lot of what makes this matter is the goal of the game. In a strategy game this would be a setback because your goal is to win with as many resources as possible intact.
But in an RPG, your goal is what the story tells you it is. So let's say the story tells you, "in order to stabelize the alliance, we must make these dozen colonies free." If it doesn't tell you HOW to do this, and gives you an open amount of time to do it, can ANY setback be a loss? I don't think so.
Dunno. Just throwing stuff out.
Appreciated. It would be so much easier if this were as basic as an RTS or FPS, but it's really not been done before, so thanks!