
Looking for a title for a game

Started by October 14, 2000 12:08 PM
22 comments, last by OoMMMoO 23 years, 11 months ago
quote: Original post by runemaster

You just found out how my brain works.
But the titles were good (most of them anyway).

Actually, I wouldn''t use any of them. My point in posting that little program was that names made out of ''fantasy buzzwords'' like my array of strings are pretty generic. They''ve all been used before, and probably because the game''s author thought they sounded cool regardless of whether they had anything to do with the actual game content.

OoMMMoO - Go for something more original. I''m not trying to say that you can''t use the word "shadow" or anything like that, but I think it''s probably a good rule of thumb to only use one of the words from the szWords array, if any.

Why do you need a title for the game already anyway? The title is something that doesn''t have to be finalized until you''re practically done with the project if you don''t want it to be. Wait until you have a demo up and running, and then play through it a little and ask yourself what it makes you think of. That way you''ll find a title that''s relevant to the atmosphere of the game as well as its content.

 Aeon Software

"Down with Nazrix!" -pouya -Ironblayde
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!"
I was thinking of Dark Angel, but it is already taken.
"There is no speed limit in the pursuit of excellence"
Here''s a few suggestions that has helped me with coming up with names and such:

Altavista''s Babelfish

(Baby Name sites or sites that give meanings to names..none off the top of my head, sorry)

Try those out, there are some really cool words/names out there...that no one has ever used before. AND for the love of god please don''t use another title like "[insert noun] of [insert adjective]" or matter of fact any title with the word "of" in it

Ohh, also....check out some really old folk stories, too. The Grimm brothers stuff, etc.. There are some really interesting folk stories about all sorts of demons, ghosts, vampires, and goblins, that many people aren''t really familiar with....thus, they have some cool names and themes that not many people have read or heard about before.

Such as a "Erlkonig" or "Erleking", King of the Alders, or birches, basically a forest troll. Pretty neat name and story behind it, not really related to vampires, though..

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