I copied all the contents from openalsdk include folder ("al.h", "alc.h","alctypes.h","altypes.h","alu.h","alut.h","aluttypes.h",
"alutpyes.h") into Microsoft visual C++ include folder.. and the contents of openalsdk lib folder("ALut", "OpenAL32") into MVC++ lib folder..
What ide are you using? The headers should be coppied into a new folder called AL in your include directory like this: 'AL/al.h'. I think however, that the OpenAL install should have done that for you. What happened when you tried to install the OpenAL sdk from Creative?
Some notes on dlls:
You shouldnt have to include any of the dlls in the same path of the program. The ogg/vorbis dlls are statically linked and whomever is trying to run the program should have the openal binaries (OpenAL32.dll) installed on their system (In any folder specified in your system PATH).
Will post later,
- llvllatrix