How to program a chess: a forum based tutorial
how to create menu for the menu screen using opengl.. I think the menu for the chess should consist of 3 things..(Start or new game, option and exit).. The problem is I have never done this before... :) how to create a button such as new game button where user can click on it.. Is there any tutorial or example for this... I need to complete this project as soon as possible... within 4 months or less if possible :)....
how to create menu for the menu screen using opengl.. I think the menu for the chess should consist of 3 things..(Start or new game, option and exit).. The problem is I have never done this before... :) how to create a button such as new game button where user can click on it...
This stuff is all at the top of the tree, so we need to do a few other things before we can create the menu.
Is there any tutorial or example for this... I need to complete this project as soon as possible... within 4 months or less if possible :)....
I think we can have it done within a month/month and a half but keep in mind that this is a large project. I'll try to get the details on the clock out today. For now, I've got a bit of a supprize planned...
Will post later,
- llvllatrix
Quote: I think we can have it done within a month/month and a half
Wow.. ^o^ .... This is super fast...
Quote: For now, I've got a bit of a supprize planned...
Great... ^o^
I hope the plan will supprize me :)
Ta daa...
Since I'm not doing any of the programming on this project, I might as well do some art :) I thought this might be a cool step up from procedurally generating our assets ;). This is a replica of a board I use at home. Its actually my favorite board because my high school friends and I used to use it all the time, so I guess its a neat tribute...anyway, the art can be downloaded here:
The art is done in milkshape ( Later on (when we get to it), I'll provide the code we're going to use to display the pieces (have it already written). The models we use in the game wont animate using skeletal animation (their movement across the board will be animated). I will however, provide an animation sdk that I have written so if you have the time you can try it out. The final render model is just for the purposes of the screenshot above; it wont make it into our game.
Here are some assumptions I made when making the art:
- the scale of one tile (black/white space) is a 1x1 square
- each of the pieces are scaled accordingly
- there is one model for every different kind and color of piece and the board. Why not use the same model for different colors (ie the knight as the base model with different textures to produce black/white)? Later on we may want to consider supporting mods; for example, we could have a lord of the rings chess set and want the fellowship to be white and Saurons forces black. By keeping the models separate, we can preserve this possibility.
- all pieces face towards the positive z axis; this is important because we cant tell, in code, which way the piece is facing. So we assume foreword to be a direction and draw the model, hoping the artist oriented it correctly. Since black is moving forewords in the positive z and white moving forwards to the negative z, we need to rotate the white pieces 180 before we draw them (otherwise the nights will be screwed up).
- the origin is located at the center of the board
- the back rows of each side are parallel with the x axis (important because there must be a white square at corner on the right side of each player)
- the environment (wherever we decide to put the like in a library or on the beach...) is separate from the board. This way we can swap environments and keep the same board
- the top of the board is 0 in global units
Most of these assumptions are important if we decide to support mods like different pieces/boards/environments (something we can add later, with a bit of effort). What do you guys think our default environment should be btw? I'm thinking a library.
Tomorrow, we will tackle the clock subsystem...might be able to fit in two subsystems for tomorrows post...till then :)
Will post later,
- llvllatrix
Since I'm not doing any of the programming on this project, I might as well do some art :) I thought this might be a cool step up from procedurally generating our assets ;). This is a replica of a board I use at home. Its actually my favorite board because my high school friends and I used to use it all the time, so I guess its a neat tribute...anyway, the art can be downloaded here:
The art is done in milkshape ( Later on (when we get to it), I'll provide the code we're going to use to display the pieces (have it already written). The models we use in the game wont animate using skeletal animation (their movement across the board will be animated). I will however, provide an animation sdk that I have written so if you have the time you can try it out. The final render model is just for the purposes of the screenshot above; it wont make it into our game.
Here are some assumptions I made when making the art:
- the scale of one tile (black/white space) is a 1x1 square
- each of the pieces are scaled accordingly
- there is one model for every different kind and color of piece and the board. Why not use the same model for different colors (ie the knight as the base model with different textures to produce black/white)? Later on we may want to consider supporting mods; for example, we could have a lord of the rings chess set and want the fellowship to be white and Saurons forces black. By keeping the models separate, we can preserve this possibility.
- all pieces face towards the positive z axis; this is important because we cant tell, in code, which way the piece is facing. So we assume foreword to be a direction and draw the model, hoping the artist oriented it correctly. Since black is moving forewords in the positive z and white moving forwards to the negative z, we need to rotate the white pieces 180 before we draw them (otherwise the nights will be screwed up).
- the origin is located at the center of the board
- the back rows of each side are parallel with the x axis (important because there must be a white square at corner on the right side of each player)
- the environment (wherever we decide to put the like in a library or on the beach...) is separate from the board. This way we can swap environments and keep the same board
- the top of the board is 0 in global units
Most of these assumptions are important if we decide to support mods like different pieces/boards/environments (something we can add later, with a bit of effort). What do you guys think our default environment should be btw? I'm thinking a library.
Tomorrow, we will tackle the clock subsystem...might be able to fit in two subsystems for tomorrows post...till then :)
Will post later,
- llvllatrix
Wow really nice...
Perfect Design, you are a good designer....
I can't wait until the coding.. lol :)
Perfect Design, you are a good designer....
I can't wait until the coding.. lol :)
I think that a library would be a good default environment as well
[Edited by - wcm4Him on January 2, 2005 9:18:18 PM]
[Edited by - wcm4Him on January 2, 2005 9:18:18 PM]
lol, no, Jeff Molfee (aka NeHe on the forms) does that...I'm just here regularly :) I owe a big part of my career to this site and since I have a bit of time off, I'm going to help out the community a bit...hope you like my work :)
- llvllatrix
[Edited by - llvllatrix on December 30, 2004 5:46:54 PM]
- llvllatrix
[Edited by - llvllatrix on December 30, 2004 5:46:54 PM]
Quote: Original post by llvllatrix
I owe a big part of my career to this site and since I have a bit of time off, I'm going to help out the community a bit...hope you like my work :)
- llvllatrix
What is your career/job? Are you a designer, artist, programmer, or all of the above? And yes I like your work.
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