
Check out my 3D tile engine please

Started by October 24, 2000 05:15 PM
85 comments, last by Possibility 24 years, 3 months ago
Original post by Possibility

For the peoples that dont work. Can your computers do 1024x768 x 16bit color? I used the 16bit color because I have a voodoo3 card which can only do 16bit and not 32bit. Otherwise I dont know why its not working, but that I have noticed that it maybe more likely to work on others comps if they have VC++ installed.


It can handle that resolution - maybe it is trying to use a 3d cap that is only hardware and not software emulated. Are you using alpha blending, multitexturing, mipmapping etc.? maybe the texture size isnt supported- although i think 32x 32 is, that white tile may not be a power of 2.

If you want to find out the prob i would suggest releasing smaller version of the prog and then adding more to see were we crash . i e first release something that blits nothing to screen, then just the tiles maybe.

just a though

The main tiles are 32x32 and the white tile is 1x1 which is a multiple of 2. I cant think of any reasons why its not working. Its not doing any alpha blending or anything super fancy. Its just drawing triangles and then lighting them. And there are 4 light sources in the scene. And the program should detect if your video card cant do it will thus do software rendering using directx. It goes through and first tries to find a TNLHardware, if it cant find that looks for a Hardware if no 3D card then resourts to software.

But its ok if it doesnt work on your comps.
And I have to thank all you guys for your quick responses and feedback.

You might check each device caps before using it and send a message to user if it is not available, much more easy to debug ... And 1 is not a multiple of 2 (typo mistake perhaps?), don''t
confuse multiple of 2 (2,4,6,8,10 ...) and power of 2(2,4,8,16...).

I got the black thing. It changes resolutions and than changes back.

Celeron 500
128 Ram
Diamond Stealth 3 S540
Windows ME

My current resolution is 1024*768*16 so I sure hope that I can handle it, otherwise I might wanna see a doctor

I also have Visual C++ installed so if you want, you can release the source and I could try to compile it and see where it stops.

Or you could just email it to me here


works fine for me
looks really nice too
FPS between 6 and 11 most of the time
celeron 433 w/ 32mb TNT 2
I got that black thing too. I resized the 1x1 image to 2x2 and it is now working fine on my system. Got 13-17 fps with the lights on and around 23-26 when I disable the lighting. P3 600 w/ 8Mb Matrox G200.

Ah, that could be the problem, I read somewhere that the image sizes could be 1,2,4,8,16 ect... with 1 being a multiple of 2.

I guess all I wanted to do was made the model all white so I just had it use a 1x1 white pixel for the texture, hehe.

I dont think its texture related as I can do 1x1 -> 2048x2048 and non powers of 2 textures on the G400..

I do have VC++ installed as well although I cant see that bieng a problem...

as mentioned before.. maybe try releasing the source or add some debug to text file rountines... ie print to the file after every majour step, that way we can let you know where the problem is.

=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Michael Cooper (Norvain) Leviathan3D Engine/LeviathanCE PPC Engine
Hm, runs fine but is damn slow, IMHO. I get 30fps. My system:

AMD Athlon Thunderbird 800
3Dfx Voodoo 5 5500

Win2K (which is prolly the bottleneck)

jsut as a comparison: my engine (written in VB) runs at 45fps in 1600x1200 with about 2000 polys on screen. (also Win2K) Granted, I haven''t done any optimisation yet, and it''s an isometric engine (with 256 height levels per vertex), but I expect that framerate to rise by at least 50% when I optimisse it.

What polygon type are you using? i.e. Tri Lists, Strips, Fans? Are you rendering each tile seperately? If yes, try rendering all tiles with the same texture at once.

Otherwise: keep up the good work :D

- JQ, PWC Software
"programming is all about wasting time" -me
Crashes on me.
PIII 500
nVida TNT2 PCI 32Mb

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