
Funny source code/documentation/comments?

Started by January 16, 2005 10:53 PM
75 comments, last by jonaakey 10 years, 9 months ago
Quote: Original post by Promit
I found this in the OpenGL VBO docs the other day:

The OpenGL extension specifications are a constant source of funny comments. The new framebuffer extension has a few nice ones:
(58) What should we do about rendering to textures with borders?
(besides attempt to fervently wish them out of existence, I mean)


The reason this is an issue is that (a) everyone hates
supporting borders, and (b) it's not clear what it means to
render to a texture with borders.

/* We shouldn't be here; bail out and blame the user. */

Things always seem better when they're not your fault.
Quote: Original post by superpig
Quote: Original post by nprz
I think I have done things like a = a; but only so I could add a breakpoint when debugging. Also, there is no semicolon, so I'm not sure that would compile [lol]

<code>__asm int 3;</code>

Though that doesn't help you much in Java. [smile]

The annoying thing about this is it still breaks when not running in a debugger. This is slightly better (windows.h required however):
if(IsDebuggerPresent())   _asm int 3

That said, I almost always just do
int poo = 5;

and put a breakpoint on it.
When I'm shutting down my main PC, I sometimes get an "End Task" dialog box (from Trillian Pro, I think) popping up with the name: "Should not see me".

As for my own code: believe me, you do _not_ want to see some of the weird shit I did. (For one thing, I used to prefer lumping _all_ my code for a program in a single file. Mind you, this was back in my Atari ST days and GenST/Tempus 2 could take that without any problems.)

I have an incredibly poor memory. I've often written code in overnight sessions, gone to bed, then woken up later on, tried the game out and discovered to my shock and amazement that the bug I was gearing up to kill had somehow been fixed. Hence, my code often had comments like:

; **** God? I want a refund for my brain. ; **** I have a full receipt here and my mother has a service agreement with you.; **** She goes to church and everything. Hell, she's even Roman Catholic.

... and (Motorola 68K):
fxplay:  move.l d0,-(sp)  ; Bug fixed. Brain still crashing.

...or this (z80) code:
         POP DE           ; Warning: Stack pointer may go down as well as up.

I realised shortly after taking up programming that my memory worked best not with the more obvious mnemonic label names, but with names that I would actually _remember_. So I had important routines with names like "wibble" and "plerg".

Programming: Just Say No. It fucks with your head.

Sean Timarco Baggaley.

[Edited by - stimarco on January 18, 2005 4:37:42 PM]
Sean Timarco Baggaley (Est. 1971.)Warning: May contain bollocks.

Note that these will only make sense if you know about the überbuffers spec that's been in development for decades.



(1) We obviously won't call this "ARB_compromise_buffers", so
what name should we use?

EXT_superbuffers (hah!)
My coded-in-one-hour tic tac toe program (that I actually turned in for the assignment) has some long ass comments, and some weird ones too. This program amazingly worked almost perfectly on the first build, needing only minor tweaks. As you can see, I got board with writing long winded comments somwhere around the printBoard function.
#include <iostream>/*Author: capn_midnightDate: 11/10/04*/using namespace std;//Important IDs and Constants//Each one is specifically chosen for complimentary features//	AI=-PL, PL=-AI, PL!=EMPTY, AI!=EMPTY//  A completion evaluates |3|//  A near completion evaluates to |2|//  Lines are evaluated by summation of the values in that line//  Lines that evaluate to |1| or |0| or not important,//     they are either empty, have only one token, have//     two opposing tokens, or two opposing tokens + 1 token.//     Neither of these cases help us to choose a winning move.const int AI=-1;const int EMPTY=0;const int PL=1;//  Wins and Losses for a branch point are averaged to give the//     branch point an aggregate value. The branch with the highest//     aggregate value will be chosen. This favors branches with the//     most wins, fewest losses, and fewest branches (which will also//     mean shortest tree depth). Shortest tree depth is desirable//     because long trees usually lead to full boards, and full boards//     usually lead to ties, not wins.const int WIN=1;const int TIE=0;const int LOSS=-1;//  Since a player's move is represented by a number, a token//     must be associated with that value.char AI_TOK='O';char PL_TOK='X';//  All calculations generally return values between -3 and 3, and mostly return//     positive values. Therefore, a very large negative number is special.const int NONE=-9999;//  The grid. We only need one, because we are using the recursion stack instead//     of writing a grid[9];//What do you think it is?void initGrid(){	for(int i=0;i<9;i++)		grid=0;}//2D grid coordinates to 1D array indexint xy_i(int x, int y){	return y*3+x;}//Rows run horizontally, increasing down the y axisint findEmptyInRow(int y){	for(int x=0;x<3;x++){		int i=xy_i(x,y);		if(grid==EMPTY)			return i;	}	return NONE;}//Cols run vertically, increasing right of the x axisint findEmptyInCol(int x){	for(int y=0;y<3;y++){		int i=xy_i(x,y);		if(grid==EMPTY)			return i;	}	return NONE;}//Diagonals are annoying, but they can be handledint findEmptyInDiag(int d){	for(int v=0;v<3;v++){		int i;		if(d==0)			i=xy_i(v, v);		else			i=xy_i(v, 2-v);		cout<<d<<" "<<i<<endl;		if(grid==EMPTY)			return i;	}	return NONE;}//looks for a line that evaluates to +-2, and then finds the blank spot in it.//Lines that do evaluate to +-2 will definitely have an open space.//Proof:// ___ : 0// X_O : 0// X__ : 1// XXO : 1// XX_ : 2// XXX : 3// So, the only time where adding a piece in the ONLY blank spot is when the// line evaluates to 2int findWinFor(int side){	int dt1=0;	int dt2=0;	for(int y=0;y<3;y++){		int rt=0;		int ct=0;		for(int x=0;x<3;x++){			int ri=xy_i(x,y);			int ci=xy_i(y,x);			rt+=grid[ri];			ct+=grid[ci];		}		if(rt/side==2)			return findEmptyInRow(y);		if(ct/side==2)			return findEmptyInCol(y);		int di1=xy_i(y,y);		int di2=xy_i(y,2-y);		dt1+=grid[di1];		dt2+=grid[di2];	}	if(dt1/side==2)		return findEmptyInDiag(0);	if(dt2/side==2)		return findEmptyInDiag(1);	return NONE;}//If your enemy has a win condition, then that should be your block conditionint findBlockFor(int side){	return findWinFor(side*-1);}//Evaluates all of the lines, trying to find a line that evaluates to |3|//if line_evaluation/side == -3, that means either it was a row of X's when// we were checking for O, or it was a row of O's when we were checking for// X (loss). if line_evaluations/side == 3, that means either it was a row of X's when// we were checking for X, or it was a row of O's when we were checking for// O (win). Any other case, we call a tie, and anything called a tie is only a tie// when the board is boardState(int side){	int dt1=0;	int dt2=0;	for(int y=0;y<3;y++){		int rt=0;		int ct=0;		for(int x=0;x<3;x++){			int ri=xy_i(x,y);			int ci=xy_i(y,x);			rt+=grid[ri];			ct+=grid[ci];		}		if(rt/side==3)			return WIN;		else if(rt/side==-3)			return LOSS;		if(ct/side==3)			return WIN;		else if(ct/side==-3)			return LOSS;		int di1=xy_i(y,y);		int di2=xy_i(y,2-y);		dt1+=grid[di1];		dt2+=grid[di2];	}	if(dt1/side==3)		return WIN;	else if(dt1/side==-3)		return LOSS;	if(dt2/side==3)		return WIN;	else if(dt2/side==-3)		return LOSS;	return TIE;}//Finding the winner is just a matter of checking the board state// for a player. If the AI won, then it won, if the AI lost, then// the Player won. If neither of these are the case, then there// was no findWinner(){	int b=boardState(AI);	if(b==WIN) return AI;	if(b==LOSS) return PL;	return NONE;}//A useful little function. 0 means the board is full, 1 means there// is only one move left. Other values aren't countBlanks(){	int t=0;	for(int i=0;i<9;i++) if(grid==EMPTY) t++;	return t;}//duhbool isFull(){	return countBlanks()==0;}//if there is more than one blanks spot, then there cannot be// a "last move" yet, so the function returns "NONE". If there is// only one blank spot, then returning the index of the first// blank found will return the index of the only blank findLastMove(){	if(countBlanks()==1){		for(int i=0;i<9;i++) if(grid==EMPTY) return i;	}	return NONE;}//The workhorse function. It recursively calls itself.//  each board that is not an end state board (a win, a loss,//  or a full board tie) is a node in a greater tree of//  plays. Each node has a certain number of branches, as//  well as an aggregate value. The aggregate value of a branch//  is the arithmetic mean of the branches' aggregate values.//  Leaf nodes are end state boards, and have aggregate values//  equal to wether or not they are a win, lose, or tie.float calcValue(int side){	int n=0;	float t=0;	if(isFull() && findWinner()==NONE) return TIE;	if(findWinner()==AI) return WIN;	if(findWinner()==PL) return LOSS;	for(int i=0;i<9;i++){		if(grid==EMPTY){			grid=side;			n++;			t+=calcValue(-side);			grid=EMPTY;		}	}	return t/(float)n;}//The branch with the greatest aggregate value is the strongest//  branch, favoring the most wins, the least losses and the//  fewest branches. Fewer branches generally means a shorter tree.//  A long tree is undesirable because it leads to a full board,//  and full boards usually end in a getPlay(){	float max_val=-99999.0f;	int max_index=-1;	for(int a=0;a<9;a++){		if(grid[a]==EMPTY){			grid[a]=AI;			float val=calcValue(PL);			if(val>max_val){				max_val=val;				max_index=a;			}			grid[a]=EMPTY;		}	}	return max_index;}//I wonder what this does. I totally forget... :)void printBoard(){	for(int y=0;y<3;y++){		for(int x=0;x<3;x++){			int i=xy_i(x,y);			if(grid==EMPTY)   cout<<"-"<<i<<"-";			else if(grid==PL) cout<<" "<<PL_TOK<<" ";			else if(grid==AI) cout<<" "<<AI_TOK<<" ";			if(x<2) cout<<"|";		}		if(y<2) cout<<"\n---+---+---\n";	}	cout<<endl;}//gets the input from the user, and makes the play if it is a valid playvoid userPlay(){	int i=-1;	while(i<0 || i>8){		printBoard();		cout<<"Enter index of your move. (1-9) :>";		cin>>i;		if(grid!=EMPTY) i=-1;	}	grid=PL;}//runs the AI playint aiPlay(){	int i=findWinFor(AI);	if(i!=NONE){		grid=AI;		return i;	}	i=findBlockFor(AI);	if(i!=NONE){		grid=AI;		return i;	}	i=findLastMove();	if(i!=NONE){		grid=AI;		return i;	}	i=getPlay();	grid=AI;	return i;}//manages the turns, and game main(){	bool done=false;	char c;	while(!done){		initGrid();		int ti=0;		int turn=0;		cout<<"Would you like to go first or second? (1/2) :>";		cin>>c;		if(c=='2') ti=1;		cout<<"Would you like to be X or O? (X/O) :>";		cin>>c;		if(c=='O' || c=='o'){			PL_TOK='O';			AI_TOK='X';		}		while(!isFull() && findWinner()==NONE){			if(turn%2==ti)				userPlay();			else				cout<<"AI Played at index "<<aiPlay()<<endl;			turn++;		}		if(findWinner()==PL)			cout<<"You Win!"<<endl;		else if(findWinner()==AI)			cout<<"You Lose!"<<endl;		else			cout<<"It's a tie!"<<endl;		cout<<"Would you like to play again? (Y/N) :>";		cin>>c;		if(c=='N' || c=='n') done=true;	}	cout<<"Good bye!"<<endl;	return 0;}

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

This appeared in the first version of my terrain code, many years ago, and has been copied through the ages:
	/*	*-----*-----*-----*-----*	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	*-----*-----*-----*-----*	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	*-----*-----*-----*-----*	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	*-----*-----*-----*-----*	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	|     |     |     |     |	*-----*-----*-----*-----*		*/

I...guess it was easier than drawing it on paper.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.

// Go down one pixel, and if your neighbour is occupied, stop there.
rr = 1 + (random()%width);

I thought this was amusing
On CMU's servers, there's a man page for "sex." Also, on linux, "strfry" is a function.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
Quote: Original post by cowsarenotevil
On CMU's servers, there's a man page for "sex." Also, on linux, "strfry" is a function.

sex is a 'game' that supposedly originated on BSD. It spits out the most horribly implicit sexual things you have ever heard in your life.
SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.

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