
Need more commands in my RPG

Started by January 26, 2005 02:28 AM
7 comments, last by N8dunn 20 years ago
My RPG kicks butt. Nuff said. I need more commands in the game though, such as: /em (custom emotes) /drink /eat /sleep .... I'm open for more requests! Thanks.
/look (gives a description when you look at something. Could use it to heavily describe characters)
/talk or /chat

Those are a few but you should describe your RPG so we know what you would need commands for. Like is it an online RPG(MUD)? or Single? Plz let us know more about the game.
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/do [action] [think]

Also what you could look into, is having a script parsing the input, and acting as a middleman between the user, and your RPG.

So the script would call functions in your program to get it to do things, before reformatting it and presenting it to the user.

It makes it nicer, moddable, and upgradable.

Nice coder

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Nice Coder: also provides a way to hack the game :P
Looking for video game music? Check out some of my samples at            
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Please only message me for hobby projects, I am not looking to create music for anything serious.
Good ideas so far! It's a single-player RPG with selected areas that allow multiplayer, such as an online tavern. It's a textbased RPG that has window dialogs for visuals/stats. I'm going for the most realistic RPG whether this is considered a MUD or not. I want the most commands available too. Keep them coming. Thanks!
Sumdude - Really? How are you meant to hack the game, when you've basically got only the interface into the rpg itself. You can't do anything that the game itself doesn't want you to, and you can't edit any of the files or objects, without calling game functions which check that it can legally be done.

Nice coder

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As a long time programmer, I can say that Nice Coder is correct on that.
woops. didn't read it carefully (long night). I thot you meant allowing the user to script things or something. If you use the commands(taht the user uses) to act like a script you could take advantage of it by making little scripts to accomplish a task (like make it execute eat,sleep,move every 10 seconds and just leave away for the day). Most games that have things like that are abused (Counter Strike, heard of it in Star Wars Galaxies and other MMORPG's) to gain the advantage on people that don't know how to do them, but i guess it doesn't matter in a single player game really.
Looking for video game music? Check out some of my samples at            
I'm currently looking to create music for a project, if you are interested e-mail me at    
Please only message me for hobby projects, I am not looking to create music for anything serious.
yeah, we used to do that in SWG all the time... set up a macro to harvest goods, then go to school and let it run. cheaper than harvesters :-D
other than your general commands (look, examine, move/go, get, turn on, etc) you could put in item specific commands that give more interactivity with certain things. for instance, if you have a vehicle, you turn it on, then can control different things in it to move around (accelerate, decelerate, shift gears, whatever). or a machine that can make objects from other ones (load raw goods, flip switch, wait x time, flip switch, collect new items).

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