OpenAL Listener
I don`t know why but for some reason something really spoky is going on.
So... I have a Camera Position/View(used as in gluLookAt) and the UpVector(generally (0,1,0).
What`s wrong ? Well, things are pretty good... until I face certain points, like the z axis or the like, everything is hearing just fine, until I face a certain side of a box for example(that`s what I`m testing it with), I don`t hear anything if the sound is coming out and I face it that way(actually it`s a side from the 6 ones on a cube).
More into it, I tryed to make a Direction Vector like Dir=View-Pos, this is even more spokyer, it matters the angle of my position to just hear the sound... everywhere, no more distance attenuation :(. The first implementation has the distance attenuation which I`m interested in.
One more spoly thing:When I use the first implementation, If I am on the negative z(or x, can`t remember) the sound is heard more on the right, and more on the left in the other side, as if world coordinates would count. it`s pretty hard to explain. I was wondering if this is all because the View Vector and the UpVector are not perpendicular...? Maybe I`ll try to change the attenuation model to see what the heck is going on...
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