
3DS MAX Questions

Started by November 07, 2000 05:03 PM
19 comments, last by EnochDagor 23 years, 10 months ago
I don''t see my system being very slow... Its a P2-500 with 128 MB of RAM... I know it''s not much for modeling but unfortunately, it''s what I have. Anyway, I get some objects on the screen... let''s say for example, I''m building a space scene which has the following objects: * Standard Cylinder x 2 * Standard Tube transformed into a NURB and modified slightly x 2 * Standard Sphere transformed into a NURB and modified elongated * Standard Sphere Half Hemisphere x 2 * Standard Cylinder transformed into a NURB and modified x 2 * 2 Capsules * 2 Standard Torus * 3 Standard Spheres 1/4 hemisphere * 1 Box * 1 Box transformed into a NURB for a round bottom * 11 Object Groups Consisting of * 1 Sphere 1/2 hemisphere * 2 Standard tubes * 2 Standard Boxes Multiply that by two... (two objects that contain those objects) My PC is dragging by now... any ideas what I am doing wrong? Is it normal or is it the way I am creating the objects? Am I using too many NURBS? This is for a stillshot but I hope to get it to be an animation soon... however it is just TOO slow to animate. (Click... drag......... .... Click............) Anyway, Thanks for the help. I''m sure I''ll have a lot more questions soon. E.D.
Enoch DagorLead DeveloperDark Sky EntertainmentBeyond Protocol
What version are you running? If it''s v.3 then setting the display to OpenGL will significantly improve your speed over the HEIDI software renderer. Careful though, if your system doesn''t support OpenGL you''ll have to edit the config file before you can get into the program again. Other than that about all you can do is get more raw processing power. I have an Athlon 750 and it bogs down at times.


"Two wrongs do not make a right; it usually takes 3 or more."

"Two wrongs do not make a right; it usually takes 3 or more."
Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
Never anger a dragon, for you are crunchy and you go well with brie.

Well, I''m using OpenGL and version 2.5...
Enoch DagorLead DeveloperDark Sky EntertainmentBeyond Protocol

File --> Summery Info

and look at mesh total. how many faces does this scene have?
software rendering is slow... try OpenGL since (what video card do you have?) nVidia and practically everything else with unbroken GL drivers will support textures, texture perspective correction and faster rendering...

But yeah, things can go slow, remember to hide objects in the scene when you''re editing if you don''t need then...this always helps...

there you go!

P.S 256MB RAM sped up render times for me alot, so if you have afford another 128MB RAM that will help overall MAX performance.
(about £70 inc VAT - cheapest for awhile now)
My 3DS (r3) runs fine, I have a 500 Mhz AMD K6-II, 128MB Ram, TNT2 32MB M64. I have it set to OpenGL rendering also, I haven''t tried it out with over 10k polygons onscreen or anything though .
i''m running on a p2 366 128mb ram laptop. no acceleration. it bogs down at about 30k-50k polys. you just have to be selective about your objects. when you''re animating, hide all the static objects and the objects that don''t interact with the primary attention. not only will this speed RT rendering, it''ll be easier to see what you''re doing too. and also, follow everyone''s advice too.

------------------General Equation, this is Private Function reporting for duty, sir!a2k
Wow, didn''t even occur to me to hide objects.... That would GREATLY improve speed... *Bonks Himself on the Head*

I have 12940 Vertices and 24076 Faces contained within 165 objects and 1 light.
Enoch DagorLead DeveloperDark Sky EntertainmentBeyond Protocol
If you set it over to O-GL and you want to set it back just run the .exe with -h on the end to get the config window.

As Mr Cup always says,
''''I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.''''
As Mr Cup always says,''I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.''
my comp usually freezes up when i near 1million faces. what would correct this, ram or a new processor?
p2 650
and a geforce

It also slows down a lot when i have 100 height and width segments on a large plane, actaully, i have never made it to 100 segments for h and w without max freezing.

Edited by - Auxil on November 9, 2000 2:53:10 PM
Several answers for several questions, here....
EnochDagor-change to ogl rendering, try to get rid of the nurbs, or transform them to faces. nurbs are terribly slow...
Quit ALL other applications! Period! Start with a fresh
boot, too, and DO NOT use the ram player before you try to
manipulate the scene. It does not release ram after using it. Check your segments on all objects. Keep them low, if possible.
Hiding is good for manipulation, but for rendering, your''re stuck with a full scene. Get more ram! $98 for 256mb pc133 at!

Auxil-the new 1.5 gigahertz p4''s are out. $1,250, not bad!
Get all the ram you can, and if you MUST use 100x100 segment
objects, add an edit mesh, select the vertices on BOTTOM, and
delete! This will drop your total count by 10,000 plus polys.

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