
Voodooextreme glide contest died?

Started by November 14, 2000 04:15 PM
3 comments, last by MadCow[an] 23 years, 10 months ago
Spent ages reviving and messing with a 3D engine I wrote a while back when I heard about the voodooextreme Glide contest. Unfortunately it seems to have vanished, so my hard work seems to have gone to waste. If anyone knows anything about it please let me know -- I haven''t had a reply to emails about it. Anyway, for those of you with Glide compatible cards, have a look at my great demo. It features real-time landscape generating, texturing, goraud shading as you''d expect. And loads of variables you can mess with. To get it head for Douglas "MadCow(an)" Cowan
Had a quick look at it - looks real neato from what I''ve seen! (on my V5 )
I''ll give it another try tomorrow (I''m off ot bed)
Looks promising, any chance of using it (i.e. porting it to something more widespread? I mean, Glide is neat [45fps in 1600x1200 UT ] but won''t run on most cards )

Maybe for a flight sim or, space shooter or so?

Keep up the good work!

- JQ, PWC Software
"programming is all about wasting time" -me
I''ve spent quite a lot of time on it, and have it working in OpenGL without textures. Getting mip-mapping running in OpenGL could be a bit of a pain, but I''ll work on it when I have the time. I planned to do a flight sim with it, but I think I''ll need to start off simple!

It''s a pain that I put so much effort into it for the Glide competition at Voodooextreme which seems to have come to nothing...I am not best pleased.

Good to know someone out there liked it!

Douglas Cowan
Well, I did some more testing on it today and I must say, I''m impressed. You MUST use this engine for a game. Obviously something to do with flying beause it seems just right for that.

I did encounter one bug(?) though... after going the same direction for a loong time, it became slower and slower, and the culling became very obvious. Any idea what''s causing this? Have you seen this yourself?

By the way, you might be able to improve framerates (not that it''s slow or jerky or anything) by not rendering the invisible triangles (if you''re not already doing so)
What I mean is there''s always the sea right below all those mountains (and the other way round) which don''t need to be rendered.
Please ignore me if you''re already doing this (I can''t really see if you are)

Anyway, good luck with thinking up a game! (maybe some multiplayer battle flightsim?)

- JQ, PWC Software
"programming is all about wasting time" -me

The Glide contest is over. As advertised it finished at the end of October, however with voodooextreme unavailable for a long time during the competition, you would not be the only one to think it never happened.

I did get an e-mail from one of the organisers and was able to get a list of the winners e-mail addresses (for information / source code of the projects). You could do the same if you wanted.

I can''t wait to check out your project - I''m going to download it now.


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