
Another bugfix for Project : Uhf1016

Started by November 15, 2000 12:37 AM
2 comments, last by Uhfgood 23 years, 10 months ago
Okay you guys real brief message... If any of you experienced a time where you couldn''t drop the piece, i''ve fixed that. It was part of a bonus that slows down your current piece. Also there are messages when you get bonuses (based on score) so please try to test it out! -Keith Weatherby II aka Uhfgood
*************************************Keith Weatherby II*************************************
Is that what the white blocks were that appeared from nowhere? I had them show a couple of times.

One stopped my block, which you fixed.

Two Dropped by block in the column it was in. It didn''t even give me a chance to change columns. As soon as my block was on the screen, the white block pushed it straight down.

and Three took a block away from my playing board.

At first, I thought they were all bugs because it appeared to occur at random times. But then I read the instructions with the game again.

Anyway, I think there should be some warning that the block is coming. Not necessarily what block is coming but "a" block is coming in 10, 9, 8, 7... If there currently is a warning, I''ve not seen it yet and its rather inconvient and troubling to respond in a reasonable timeframe.

Regards,JumpsterSemper Fi
Windowed mode :D

Jumpster - those little white blocks are there on purpose, but as far as a warning... i''m thinking of changing the speed of those blocks in such a way as in the early levels you can move out of the way... and then increasing the speed gradually so later in the game you won''t have time to get out of the way ;-)

the four things that should happen from the rogue block is

1) stops your block for a few seconds (that should still be in there

2) pushes your block down (on purpose)

3) removes time away from your block

4) switches what side is currently facing you

5) removes a block from the playfield (ie the "bomb")

those are all on purpose, however i still have to tweak them

Again about warning the whole purpose is that you don''t get warned that''s why they''re sposed to give you trouble ;-) you can move out of the way, just not necesserily fast enough on the early levels, so i''ll make them really slow at first...

Thanks for the input

-Keith aka Uhfgood
*************************************Keith Weatherby II*************************************

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