Team name: Cyberlazy
Project name: Space Sim
Brief description: a 3d MMO space based combat and tradeing game, coded by myself for the past 3 years with a little on and off help, playable demo on the website
Target aim: Retail
Compensation: Part of any net income from the game if any of their art is still used when the game goes retail, and part of any net income for any coders.
Technology: D3D 9b with C++, Custom engine, Model importer currently supports .x files. Can provide exporter for use with max6+, unsure what other model formats can be converted, but we can most likey write an importer for some format you can export to)
Talent needed: 3D Modelers: Needs to be able to make 1000~10000 poly ship and space station models, Exact style isent really set, perferabley with LOD levels and any experiance making normal maps would be a plus, but not required. Texture artists: Textureing the above mentioned ship and space station models, as well as textures for things like planets, asteriods, etc (Not required to do all of those, ability to do any of the above would be great) Programmers: No real field required, but if you wish to work exclusively on an area, that is fine, no areas of the game have been 'taken', Experiance in d3d or coding large games is not required, but experiance in C++ and no fear of pointers is required. A few hours a week is all I request of your time, if you can deticate more, thats great, if not, no problem, but I do ask that you don't disappear without at least telling me first (be it perminately or just vacation/moving/busy with life/whatever). and don't try and join if its highly likey you will be unable to continue with the project in a month or two.
Team structure: Black Moons (Me): Lead programmer/game designer. More of a programmer then anything. Coded most of the existing playable demo. Will be doing most of the programming work QRebound: Coder Cobalt: Modeler, but unfortualy does not do any textureing, and has little spare time to work on the project, so we need another as well as a texture artist.
Website: Black_Moons at (sorry for the minor spam protection, I get enough spam as is) ICQ #16440811 IRC on channel #spacesim
(irc quicklink) (Say something when you join so my window flashs and wait, Im often doing something but will usally respond within an hour)
Additional Info: Screenshots and playable demo on the website, tho heres some recent stuff

as for additional info, the website should say most of it. note the info page isent set in stone its just a general guideline, suggestions from programmers and community alike are allways wellcome, and I will try and compermise if you really want things diffrently then I do. so far, the demo supports: warping beween sectors, online combat, online chat, ai's to combat, upgrades in 11 catagorys, diffrent ships to buy, upgrades having stats such as mass, space, and armor. with systems also haveing efficancy and thoughput, and tanks having storage. also weapon and turret upgrades. supports commodity buying/selling, autotracking turrets that really move and track there targets, particle effects, vectored thrust particle effects that respond to how the ship is really moving and a persistant universe
[Edited by - BlackMoons on July 22, 2005 7:40:58 AM]