
Gamedev Game Writing Competition - Round 1

Started by September 08, 2005 06:08 PM
42 comments, last by sunandshadow 19 years, 4 months ago
Gamedev Game Writing Competition - Round 1 Welcome to the first running of the Gamedev Game Writing Competition the goal of the competition is to bring the members of the community together to show case and sharpen their writing talents. The focus of the competition is to explore writing as applies to video games and the associated demands of that medium. The competition is open to everyone and everyone is encouraged to enter and vote on their favorite entry! The contest will be broken down to 5 rounds each with a week to complete entries and followed by a week where readers can vote on their favorite piece and judging. The winning entry from each round will be used as basis for entries in all future rounds. Rounds Round 1 – Introduction Round 2 – Character Profile Round 3 – Plot Sketch Round 4 – Scene Script Round 5 – Climax and Dénouement Round 1 Theme: The coming storm Objective Create a 500 to 1500 word introduction for game that utilize the theme the coming storm. The introduction can take any form whether it is a narrative, scene script, a combination of the two, or something else entirely. Just remember the three tenants of a good introduction hook, inform, and brevity. Start Date 12:01am BST Friday the 9th of September. End Date 12:01am BST Friday the 16th of September. Judging criteria: style - The overall quality of the writing including grammar, punctuation, spelling, and use of language. Creativity – How effectively the subject matter and theme of the round where used as well the overall creativity and originality of the piece. Applicability - How appropriate the submission is to the game medium and how good a game it would make. Popularity - The pieces rating based on votes from readers. Rules: -Entries must be between 500 and 1,500 words, entries that don’t satisfy this criteria will be disqualified. -Entries must be received before 12:01 am BST 16th of September, late entries will not be considered. -Entries not containing the theme the coming storm will be disqualified. -There is no limit on the number of entries that a person can enter. -Entries must be entirely original work, use of -Submission should be sent by private message to TechnoGoth and must not contain any identification of the author to ensure anonymity in the popular vote round. - Lastly and Most importantly have FUN!*** ***contestants found not having fun during the competition will be subject to appropriate punishments. [Edited by - TechnoGoth on September 9, 2005 8:02:15 AM]
OK, I'll make a fool of myself first:
"entirely original", does that mean I can't use a game world that I particularly like? Actually, my idea right now isn't really dependent on the IP of that particular universe I am thinking of right now, but, well, I just had to ask.

Also, I assume the way we present the various contents is up to us, but just for the sake of clarity, "a scene script". Does that mean a description of a sequence of play? Say, I describe a particular puzzle in an action game, or a particularly dramatic moment in an RPG?
Can I safely assume that the level of technicality is up to us? (ie. whether I want to use, say, bullet points, or go for a straight narrative description).

"climax, denouement" ? Uh? Are we talking about the final scene in the game, or the cinematic sequence (like the one at the end of WarcraftIII)? Again, I assume be can be as technical as we want, I just want to be sure of what we are talking about, here.

Also, when you say the winner of a given round will be used for the basis for all future round, you mean whoever writes the most interesting intro will get to chose essentially what the game is about, right?

Anyway, also just to point out:
"Entries must be between 500 and 1,500 words..."
"Entries must not containing the theme..."
"Lastly and Most importantly have FUN!" Ja voll, Herr Kommandant!


-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Submission should be sent by private message to TechnoGoth and must not contain any identification of the author to ensure anonymity in the popular vote round
Doesn't the pm automatically give the name of the submitter?.
Original post by evelyn
Submission should be sent by private message to TechnoGoth and must not contain any identification of the author to ensure anonymity in the popular vote round
Doesn't the pm automatically give the name of the submitter?.

It's actually better that you do know who's voting(I just realised the submissions talked about are the contest entries and not the votes, i leave this opinion none the less in case it's discussion arises), so that there are no double votes, this isn't politics guys, there will be no reprisals from oposing parties. [smile]
Also you seem to have an error in the OP.
"Entries must not containing the theme the coming storm will be disqualified."
I think you mean:
"Entries not containing the theme the coming storm will be disqualified."

[Edited by - xor on September 9, 2005 7:38:01 AM]

Original post by ahw
OK, I'll make a fool of myself first:
"entirely original", does that mean I can't use a game world that I particularly like? Actually, my idea right now isn't really dependent on the IP of that particular universe I am thinking of right now, but, well, I just had to ask.

“Entirely original” covers both plagiarism and intellectual property you don’t control. Since if you where doing this for a company you most likely won’t have access to another company IP you should not include anyone else work with in your entry. So this means you can’t submit a story about Mario Link battling against Hiehachi’s Nazgul hordes.


Also, I assume the way we present the various contents is up to us, but just for the sake of clarity, "a scene script". Does that mean a description of a sequence of play? Say, I describe a particular puzzle in an action game, or a particularly dramatic moment in an RPG?
Can I safely assume that the level of technicality is up to us? (ie. whether I want to use, say, bullet points, or go for a straight narrative description).

The scene script round will consists of contestants being supplied the beginning and end of a scene and having to write a script for what happens in between. Both theatrical or film style script will be acceptable.

I think it is important to mention that the goal of this competition is writing and not design. So there should be little or no technical details to a submission. So describing a puzzle would not be a valid entry for round 4. If the player has to solve a puzzle then use stage directions to say that they have to solve the puzzle don’t go in to details on the puzzle mechanics or description of it unless it is from a writing point and not a design one. A dialog puzzle however would be acceptable to include.


"climax, denouement" ? Uh? Are we talking about the final scene in the game, or the cinematic sequence (like the one at the end of WarcraftIII)? Again, I assume be can be as technical as we want, I just want to be sure of what we are talking about, here.

A bit of both, really. Basically how does the game end. If there player enters a portal and has a climatic battle with a hundred hell beasts rescues the princess and then retires to a small country side town and runs a fish and chip shop then tell me that. In the way you feel is most effective.


Also, when you say the winner of a given round will be used for the basis for all future round, you mean whoever writes the most interesting intro will get to chose essentially what the game is about, right?

That’s right. The plot sketch will consists of outline for the rest of the game starting where the introduction left off, and including the character portrayed in the character profile. Life wise the scene script will be based upon a scene from the plot sketch. I will of course add a small twist each round to keep things interesting but other then that competition will be shaped entirely on the results of the previous rounds.


Submission should be sent by private message to TechnoGoth and must not contain any identification of the author to ensure anonymity in the popular vote round

Just to clarify this point referrers to the entry itself. It just there so that people don’t include themselves in the work they are submitting in an attempt to gain extra votes.
Oh I have a question too - can a person submit more than one entry?

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.


Oh I have a question too - can a person submit more than one entry?


-There is no limit on the number of entries that a person can enter.

So feel free to enter as many time as you want. Just remember you can only win once[wink]
I've never felt so paranoid writing a game concept. ^_^
Sounds like fun. I'm in.

I've never felt so paranoid writing a game concept. ^_^

More games would probably better if everyone did :D

oooo this sounds like lots of fun. I've had quite a few ideas floating around in my head.

Im going to get started on that writing =)

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