
How about a RTSARPG?

Started by December 17, 2000 04:41 PM
11 comments, last by Sir_Manfred 23 years, 9 months ago
How about a Real Time Strategy Adventure Role Plaing Game all bunched up together? I mean, wouldn''t that be quite interesting? I would like to hear about your oppinions and ideas about this... "Nasa''''s robot crashed on mars, but here we trash it, on RobotWars!" -Sir Manfred
Unemployed 3d artist. Looking for work!Homepage:
Warcraft III was going to be very much like that, but now is shifting more towards an RTS game.

I think it would be tricky to get everything to flow right. Trying to blend character development, and quests with resource gathering, town building, unit building, would be hard.... but it could be interesting.


but what i mean by RTSARPG is following:
RTS like Age of Empires
Adventure like solving puzzles and a few problems to proceed...
RPG like the main character is like how you create a character in Baldurs Gate...
If we mix all these things in to one game... how would it be to be a good game with all these things included?

"Nasa''''s robot crashed on mars,
but here we trash it, on RobotWars!"

-Sir Manfred
Unemployed 3d artist. Looking for work!Homepage:
Perhaps blending them could involve, say, battles being more action/RPG like. The building/gathering aspect would remain the same in this case. A little weird, but it could be interesting.
I think it would be VERY interesting! But as Ratman mentioned It would be very hard to make all these different genres to run together without disturbing the user.
But I think that's the future of all games! For example Halo, it's a RTS mixed up with FPS. Or Warcraft III, it was considered to become an RTS with RPG influences.
The ultimate game will be all genres implemented perfectly in one game! But I think it will take some time until this goal is reached.

2D/3D Artist

Edited by - GumboYaYa on December 18, 2000 1:33:20 PM
GumboYaYa2D/3D Artist
Sounds very much like what I''m trying to do in my RTS come RPG...

I''m taking a lot of the resource management stuff out though, as that isnt really related.

It is a challenge granted, but thats what makes life fun... lol

There are plenty of other problems I''ve found along the way, there''s the AI for a start. You need the "game time" to process both a strategic AI (i.e. RTS AI) and a non-strategic AI (ie RPG AI) there are some similarities, but many differences as well.. I think I have solved this (but it''s still theoretical at the moment)

I think you definatly have to drop something in order to make a proper RTSARPG at least to start with. I chose to drop the Resource Management part (its way too much hastle)

quote: Original post by NightWraith

I think you definatly have to drop something in order to make a proper RTSARPG at least to start with. I chose to drop the Resource Management part (its way too much hastle)

You know, resource management __COULD__ be part of questing.

I''m working toward something a bit similar, a space game with ships, fleets, and a bunch of stars (RPG? RTS? Empire game?)

One idea I have is to make the RPG actions feed the RTS actions. So in order to gather some RTS assets, you need to perform some RPG quests (kind of like in Star Control 2, where if you did missions for the aliens, they''d give you stuff)

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
The lines between game genre''s have become more blurred every year. As company''s RUN OUT OF IDEAS and also increase the realism in games you will really see this happen. I mean, you see the arguements in this forumn already like "Is zelda3 adventure or rpg?" where a game is not just a single type(adventure, rpg, strategy, puzzle, etc) but a mix. And really, who can argue with your question.. if its fun then it shouldnt matter what the style is...just make it!

I personally wish more games would be made that are a combo of rpg, rts, and whatever. If you make the player a commander in a space game for example, obviously the commander must use strategy to control his crew/other ships and if you want realism then he should be able to evolve and gain ranks... and you role play as him... so really this concept isnt anything new its just that we are only now coming into a time where memory and graphics and AI will really allow cool looking games.... SO LETS START MAKING THEM....WAHOO! 8)

aka John M.
Never give up. Never surrender!

Ok, yeah good point Wavinator... I was half right, managing a "base" type of resource management is impracticle, part of the essence of this mix is the exploration aspect. Any RPG/RTS would ideally have a "single" world map in which all the action takes place, as opposed to the "scenario" view of a standard RTS.. I''m actually going for a half-way house in my game, in which the map is actually a series of linked worlds (rather than just the one) and when you leave all your units are "returned whence they came", (in my case back to your spell pouch...).

Resource management in this case could work like "Masters of Magic" in which the player had gold and such with which to buy new units at any town he visited. (Actually it is slightly more complex than that, but it tends to get in the way of my point if I explained it all)

If you look at something like "Starfleet Command" that has the sort of aspects you''re talking about GalaxyQuest your only resource is "prestege" which you get by destroying other ships. And you use this to buy new ships for your fleet. (There is less of the command aspect to it, as your ships seem to have a mind of thier own whatever command u give them)
How about this:

You are a peasant. You live in a cabin with your wife in the middle of a forest. You go exploring, looking for gold, hunting food, gathering herbs and plants for medicine (and poison). Occasionally, a strong storm occurs and you need to chop down trees for wood to repair your cabin. You need to travel to a nearby town to buy the things you cannot supply yourself. In order to pay for these, you sell animal pelts, raw ore, etc. which you have gathered. You must remember to lay in a store of firewood for winter, or you''ll freeze... You need fresh water, which you gather from a nearby stream, but it''s safer if you boil it first. You need to make snares, and check them regularly...

You also need to make and maintain weapons to keep back the bears and wolves, you must occasionally buy presents and do things for your wife.

Something like this, perhaps?

NPCs will be inherited from the basic Entity class. They will be fully independent, and carry out their own lives oblivious to the world around them ... that is, until you set them on fire ...
"NPCs will be inherited from the basic Entity class. They will be fully independent, and carry out their own lives oblivious to the world around them ... that is, until you set them on fire ..." -- Merrick

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