
Vote for your favourite[s]. Or review them!

Started by November 08, 2005 08:01 AM
1 comment, last by d000hg 18 years, 11 months ago
There's been a little talk on a poll of people's favourite 4E4 entries, and a slew of reviews and comments all over the place. It's a low-tech solution, but if anyone wants to email a vote/comment/review to I'll collate the results somewhere and let everyone know. So if you want to vote for an entry send an email of this form: Subject: 4E4 votes by "<GameDev username>" Body: 1st #<entry number> 2nd #<entry number> 3rd #<entry number> 4th #<entry number> 5th #<entry number> You can give the entry name or number, just make it obvious! If you are an entrant in 4E4, make that clear then I may do a 'contestant's choice'. You may vote for your own entry. For instance:
Quote: Subject:4E4 votes by "d000hg" body: 1st #23 2nd #12 3rd #4 4th #44 5th #1 I am a 4e4 contestant
You may rate up to 10 entries. If you want to give a review/comments Make sure it's clear what your GDnet name is and which entry you are talking about in the subject. It would be helpful to state if you are reviewing from a gameplayer's viewpoint (ie comparing it to a real game) or a developer's viewpoint. Thanks. EDIT: please don't post your votes here, you can chat about this topic if you want though to keep it visible :)
Thanks for being willing to compile all teh opinionz... I'm sure it will be a painfull process... o_O

Quote: 5th #1

w00t!!! i get 5th!! yay!!!! ...


oh... that's just an example...
Quote: Original post by Peter_
Thanks for being willing to compile all teh opinionz... I'm sure it will be a painfull process... o_O
Well I thought it might be but was willing to put in the time. However nobody has bothered to vote so I guess I'm spared a job.

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