
*UPDATED* Shards v0.99!

Started by April 02, 2006 04:44 AM
18 comments, last by tok_junior 18 years, 5 months ago
Quote: Original post by deadimp
Where could I get the debug version? (Sorry for not replying earlier)

haha sorry for not putting it up earlier. I did try to make you a debug built but I was halfway through some other stuff so in the end i decided to just finish what I was working on because it would be better than just hacking it to work for that one debug build. So in a few days I'll upload a completely new version with both release and debug builds. Bear with me :D

New version, this time all console messages are printed to stderr (and hence showup in stderr.txt under windows) so hopefully if anything goes wrong that file will say whats up.

Much like last time this new version still isn't a complete game. However this time there are multiple enemies, terrible boss, different levels, music, sound effects, credits screen, and alot more events which can be scripted. As far as I had planned the code itself is done ... now comes the hardpart - adding content [wink]
It seems as though my card doesn't support multi-texturing (I don't really game a whole lot).
Here's the output of "stderr.txt":
__/ Starting: Console__/ Starting: Script Manager__/ Starting: File Manager__/ Starting: Settings Manager    > Loading: Config [base.cfg]__/ Starting: Video Manager****** ERROR: NO MULTI TEXTURING - soz bibi!!!

"Soz bibi"??? :)
Projects:> Thacmus - CMS (PHP 5, MySQL)Paused:> dgi> MegaMan X Crossfire
Works great on my 64MB GeForce something or other.

Quote: Original post by deadimp
It seems as though my card doesn't support multi-texturing (I don't really game a whole lot).
Here's the output of "stderr.txt":
*** Source Snippet Removed ***
"Soz bibi"??? :)

Has anybody here ever got in trouble for leaving comical messages in their code on a commercial project? I know I do it all the time, but I'm not employed yet.

- Evan
Microsoft has a tool they use to scan for things like that in source code.
Quote: Original post by deadimp
"Soz bibi"??? :)

haha - debug prints win!

Actually this game doesn't use multitexturing at all so i can take that out. I really should've made it a flag in the engine when I added it ages ago but I got lazy so it just dies if it can't find the extensions (rather than actually doing it properly and just disabling the feature). Next version will have that fixed so hopefully you can run it then!

As for crazy debug prints in general ... yeah I've got introuble for doing that. I put a "Stupid User Exception 1042 - your an idiot" into something which was an inhouse tool ... then later it eventually ended up being leased out with my crazy errors in it. I got told off after my boss stopped laughing [wink]
Sweeeeet! Runs great, too.

Sempron 2600, 512 meg RAM, GeforceFX 5200 (128 megs), Forceware 81.98
Yeah, I understand. Some of my code for my game engine/game that I'm attempting (working on it for around 1.5 years now) has some crazy little comments in it, mainly due to the fact that the code was made somewhere around 10PM and 1AM.

EDIT: Well, I got to a computer at school, ran it there, and it worked just fine. It was interesting how you did the background... Quite interesting.
I wonder if you could use the 2xSAI algorithm to try and get rid of some of the pixelation. How you would do this with a 3D engine, I have no idea.

[Edited by - deadimp on April 12, 2006 8:45:35 PM]
Projects:> Thacmus - CMS (PHP 5, MySQL)Paused:> dgi> MegaMan X Crossfire (3meg)

There it is boys and girls, v0.99 (hopefully soon to be known as v1.0).

This version is quite a big step forwards, and appart from the score being reset each level (soon to be fixed of course), I can't really see anything wrong with the game as a whole now. More content would be nice as always but creating it isn't really where my interests lie so it will probably always be too short [wink].

Movement = arrows
shoot = left control (can be held down)
next weapon = left alt*
previous weapon = left shift*
quit = esc

*There are only two weapons and the hud doesn't show your ammo or which weapon you have selected, but their there.

I have no idea how this version will run. There are ALOT of new things going on, including heaps of scripts potentially being run each tick. I tried to keep my default set of scripts pretty lean, but if you had a complicated update each tick for every entity I'm sure you could manage to chug it to high hell!

This version also features a very crappy modguide (checkout the modguide dir). It was written in a day, and I started getting lazy towards the end so stuff gets less and less explanation. Should give anyone interested more than enough info though. Can always ask me if you get stuck.

So yeah ... thanks heaps of AS - its very cool! Hope you like what I've done with it!
I totally missed the last post, so i downloaded the first one.
Everything runs fine the first time around, but when i start after dying once all the text is messed up.
Athlon X2 4800+, 2x7800GTX, latest 64bit detonators.

Edit: Seems to be fixed in the last version. Very nice game, even though it's a bit short :) Stick a couple of more weapons in there, together with smart bombs, and a couple of more enemies. Perhaps use real waves of attacks instead of randomly generate the ships. You'll have killer gameplay :)

Anoter edit: I didn't manage to switch weapons though.

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