I'm doing a FPnS = First Person non-Shooter.
It's called sector 29.
The world has been taken over by orge like things (the ogro and the sod from Beginning ogl programming most likly) London has been divided up into sectors (by giant steal walls) so the remaining population would not rebel. You are part of the resistance group in sector 29. Use your wit, bribe guards, setup traps (since guns are impossible (nearly) to get), trade on the underground market to get chemicals for explosives and escape into the wilderness. Here is the first frame of the game, in your little house that has been assigned to you. It's after curfew, and you have to get to a resistance meeting.
your looking at normal mapping with specular, even if it doesn't show up on the screen here. (compressed)
The spoons and teapots on the table are not placed, they are running in a physics engine, inlcuding the table itself.
Graphic engine is home made and physics is Novodex.