

Started by November 04, 1999 11:13 AM
1 comment, last by Slayer-X 25 years, 4 months ago
NO! Sorry about that, I got that fixed. I was wondering how you would get multiple key input without stopping input from another key. Sorry about that before, I don't know why I put that up there.
Ok, I feel really stuid for asking this, but does anyone know how to continuously get input from the keyboard when a key is held down? I'm doing this in DOS and I can get a single key with kbhit and a switch statement, but I can't get the input to continue when the key is held down. The only thing I can think of is checking to see whether kbhit has a value of -1 for a keypress.
Well, in DOS there is no library functions to allow this: they all serialize the keystrokes. You have to write your own keyboard interrupt service routine, and hook it into interrupt 9, so you receive the keystrokes as they come in.


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