
Here is the beginning of the tale

Started by July 30, 2006 12:40 PM
4 comments, last by Lando2 18 years, 2 months ago
This is just a quick synopsis I am working on turning it into a series and this is just the first installment. I left out a lot of the supproting characters just to keep it bried. This story focuses on the beginning of the Universe and the first one to rule it after the creator. After that the tale follows a warrior named V through his path of becoming a true player in the outcome of the Universe. Well the basis for the story is this big bad demon named Jaraliah wants revenge on the creator of all life a being known only as the Supreme Power. Since Jaraliah is deep within the realms of Hades he can not enter his foes realm. Jaraliah then realizes for him to get his revenge he must create a being instilled with the very essence of the Supreme Power. Along with the help of a Mystix named Korigo. Mystix are magical beings whose powers can range from super strength and telekenisis, to control of the twleve elements Fire, Ice, Water, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Time, Space, Life, Death, Light, and Dark. To make a long story short the two create the ultimate demon. The being is named Cyko, but he does not follow his creators orders. Instantly he banishes Jaraliah in an energy casing and kills Korigo. He frees himself from the realms of Hades and enters the Supreme Powers realm. Before Korigo was killed and sent to the realms of Hades he met a small child. The child was not like any other. His power was fated to be even greater than anything before him. However none knew how he came to be. Korigo instilled him with as much of his knowledge as he could before the child went off on his own. The years pass and the child exits from what unkown place he had ventured. Upon his return a change has occured. He feels his power is ultimate, and wishes to bring the entire Universe to its knees. However he encounters the demon known as Cyko. The two dual for a thousand years. They level most of the Universe as the two push themselves to their limits. The Supreme Power becomes upset, and for the first time in history he decides to step in and do something. Wu-Do and Cyko ban together and muster up enough power to slay the almighty being. The two form an alliance and with Wu-Do's time magics return to a more prosperous point in time. The two begin their reign as the rulers of the Universe. Now with their rule stretching two millennia without confrontation, may be under attack. A rogue warrior who cannot recall anything is found on a small planet called Shogan. The man is scarred from head to toe, and his body is filled with pain. He realizes he is a warrior of some sort and names himself V. He figures the v scars on his body meant something. Eventually V finds a man named Xi Jin. The only surviving teacher of the Universal Fist. The Universal Fist is the study of any martial arts throughout the stars. Once mastered one could go without breathing for days, take ones life essence and use it as a shield, and many other forms of protection. V allies himself with Xi's students and they bring peace to there land. However V wants to remember who he was. His oppritunity rises when a warrior with a power much like Wu-Do comes to be. A being known as Wu-Long now enters the fray. Wu-Long wishes to rule the Universe much like many others with power, but he must first gain a foothold to start his conquest. Wu-Long ventures through the stars, and shortly comes across V. Wu-Long shocked and amazed believes that V is his long lost brother from times of yore. V aids Wu-Long on a quest and as payment he would try and restore his memory. After the mission is complete the restoration begins. Wu-Long restores V's memory and it turns out he is his long lost brother. Wu-Long tells his brother of his ambitions and he wants him to be by his side. V agrees, but during the battle when Wu-Long killed Wu-Do. V was captured by a servant of Jaraliah. V is ripped through time and space and is taken to his homeworld of Earth circa 2011 a.d. V realizes that it is much different than he remembered. He longed to return to his brother and other allies side, but was unable. V traveled the hate filled city in hopes to find his way home. Meanwhile he acts as a vigilante of sorts and stirs up all kinda trouble with the evil mayor Joseph Chikarelli. Chikarelli has his scientist create a brainless killing machine. A creature known only as Sur is born. Sur terrorizes the city until he comes face to face with V. The battle between the two is gruesome, but V is just outmatched. He slays the fiend, but loses his life in the process. V's lifeless body is taken to a far away time by a woman named Sho. She wishes to revive the warrior, but her people knew of the cursed blood that ran through his veins. His genes were filled with the blood of the ultimate demon. An Ultron just like Cyko before him. They lock him away in a powerful Mystix prison and hope that he will never know freedom. Well that is the basis. It may seem a bit confusing, but I hope not. Once I find a way to direct link anyone to the story exactly I will. Thanx for taking the time and I hope to hear from you soon.
This sounds great for a movie, but I just don't see it hapening sucessfuly in a video game. I think that you need to simplify it a lot, while keeping the main story. Cut it down, so that it can fit a game easily. If you made a game with this, it would be very long.
Seems a tad familiar, as if I've read or played something similar, but still...

...It's pretty good. You've got (forgive my hyper elite) $3/\/\1 - /\/\4|) $|<177z.
----------The universe is, in reality, an incredibly long and complex setup for a joke that is so infinitely stupid that humans cannot percieve it....That's what makes it funny.*On April 1st, will change name of every topic created by me to "WHOAH! BEST GAME IDEA EVER! READ ME MORON!!"...Or not.
Quote: Originally posted by aklemunes_11
[...]A rogue warrior who cannot recall anything is found on a small planet called Shogan. The man is scarred from head to toe, and his body is filled with pain. He realizes he is a warrior of some sort and names himself V.

Did you actually watch the whole movie or just the movie preview...?

Try again, mate.

PS: Yes, I know it's based off a comic.
Hey thanks for the feedback guys. Most of the posts say that I got my ideas from a movie. To be honest I don't even know which movie they are refering to. I'd like if someone told me, so that I could see and compare the two stories. I also have a direct link to my story now. The first link is the prologue and the rest are the following chapters.
Quote: Original post by GairenKarrandeas
Seems a tad familiar, as if I've read or played something similar, but still...

...It's pretty good. You've got (forgive my hyper elite) $3/\/\1 - /\/\4|) $|<177z.

Yeah, It reminds me of samurai jack or something, cause he gets thrown into the future by an evil demon and has to find his way back to the past. Its almost the same.

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