
Traffic Jam

Started by March 12, 2001 12:41 AM
3 comments, last by ragonastick 23 years, 6 months ago
About a month and a bit ago, I was about to make an RTS, after thinking through what I would need to do and all that, I had a couple of ideas which I needed to test out in case they sucked and I didn''t realise, to test these ideas, I made this game: Traffic Jam (55kb) It requires DX7+ and the Visual Basic 6.0 runtimes (yes, this is a VB game) It is a pretty simple puzzle kinda game, quite fun.... and its finished which is what I found important. But now, I''m onto my RTS. Hooray, everything worked After notes: Ok, could everyone test out my alt tab handling? Don''t do it from the main menu (that''s just a borderless maximised window) but do it in game. I think someone said that it could be made to stuff up by alt-tabbing back and forth a lot, though I haven''t been able to replicate it . (And I just noticed that it still says Form1 as the caption for the window.... woops... if I could change that now, I would, but the guy who is hosting it for me isn''t online ... oh well, I think you can still play it . Any questions or stuff that you don''t want to ask here (I don''t know why, but just in case) then: What do you think?
Trying is the first step towards failure.
i like it. I stopped playing at the rotating cars level, i think it was #4. Took me a second to figure out the cars only could go the direction they''re facing..

nice work, let me know how the rts comes along.

(ive done a couple puzzle games before, and also a multiplayer turn-based strategy game, but not an RTS)



Skelman Software
Its a pretty clever puzzle game, but the artwork needs work.
Thanks a lot for your responses. Yeah, the "artwork" was done by me... I suppose you can see why I''m a programmer not an artist (at work, my placeholder graphics made me the laughing stock of the office )

Someone was telling me that they changed the graphics (I''ve left them open for change) so they drive Ferraris instead
Trying is the first step towards failure.

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