Crash instancing a new class inside as
Hello. I'm trying to integrate as into my app to add scripting support.
User must implement a function with this signature:
void initScriptDesc(ScriptDesc &out desc);
And fill ScriptDesc class with some datas. ScriptDesc contains some general infos about script (title, author, email...) and a number of actions that user could define thru the ActionDesc class.
Here a sample:
void initScriptDesc(ScriptDesc &out desc);
desc.title = "My script"; = "..."; = "..."; = "...";
ActionDesc a;
a.title = "My action #1";
a.onLoad = "...";
a.title = "My action #2";
"ActionDesc a;" crashes my application when i use this code:
ScriptDesc desc;
int getInfo;
getInfo = m_engine->GetFunctionIDByDecl(0, "void initScriptDesc(ScriptDesc &out desc)");
// Execute the script function
m_context->SetArgObject(0, &desc);
int r = m_context->Execute();
I can't guess which is the reason...
I register ActionDesc in this way:
m_engine->RegisterObjectType("ActionDesc",sizeof(ActionDesc), asOBJ_CLASS);
m_engine->RegisterObjectType("ScriptDesc",sizeof(ScriptDesc), asOBJ_CLASS);
m_engine->RegisterObjectProperty("ActionDesc", "string onLoad", offsetof(ActionDesc,onLoad));
m_engine->RegisterObjectProperty("ActionDesc", "string onUnload", offsetof(ActionDesc,onUnload));
m_engine->RegisterObjectProperty("ActionDesc", "string onInit", offsetof(ActionDesc,onInit));
m_engine->RegisterObjectProperty("ActionDesc", "string onUninit", offsetof(ActionDesc,onUninit));
m_engine->RegisterObjectProperty("ActionDesc", "string onStep", offsetof(ActionDesc,onStep));
m_engine->RegisterObjectProperty("ActionDesc", "string onContact", offsetof(ActionDesc,onContact));
m_engine->RegisterObjectProperty("ActionDesc", "string onScore", offsetof(ActionDesc,onScore));
m_engine->RegisterObjectProperty("ActionDesc", "string title", offsetof(ActionDesc,title));
m_engine->RegisterObjectProperty("ActionDesc", "string description", offsetof(ActionDesc,description));
Thanks in advance for replies!
ActionDesc holds a lot of strings as members. Did you register the constructor for this type? In addition to that you'll need to register either the addref/release behaviours or the destructor.
Without the constructor AngelScript will simply allocate the memory, but will not initialize it because it wouldn't know how.
The constructor is a rather simple wrapper:
Without the constructor AngelScript will simply allocate the memory, but will not initialize it because it wouldn't know how.
The constructor is a rather simple wrapper:
void ActionDesc_Construct(void *ptr){ new(ptr) ActionDesc; // Initialize the preallocated memory}engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("ActionDesc", asBEHAVE_CONSTRUCT, "void f()", asFUNCTION(ActionDesc_Construct), asCALL_CDECL_OBJLAST);
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Ok thanks now it works. I didn't realize it. I thought that it was mandatory only for custom ctor...
So you don't call c-tor, why don't you call it automagically?
I've insert dtor beaviour too, is it necessary for right std::string cleanup?
Script support in my app it's really wonderful :)
So you don't call c-tor, why don't you call it automagically?
I've insert dtor beaviour too, is it necessary for right std::string cleanup?
Script support in my app it's really wonderful :)
If I could I would have done it automatically. Unfortunately it is not possible to determine the address of the constructor at runtime. You can't even take the pointer to the constructor in the C++ language, which is why it is necessary to write a light wrapper for it.
The destructor is necessary if you don't use reference counting. Without the destructor or the addref/release behaviours AngelScript will only free the main memory block allocated for the class, not the dynamic buffers allocated by the string members.
The destructor is necessary if you don't use reference counting. Without the destructor or the addref/release behaviours AngelScript will only free the main memory block allocated for the class, not the dynamic buffers allocated by the string members.
Andreas - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game
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