
Program choice?

Started by April 24, 2007 08:32 PM
4 comments, last by romer 17 years, 10 months ago
Hello, Ive been doing all of my music stuff on a free program, kristal audio engine, and have been wanting to get a new one. Ive kinda decided on a Cubase product but im not sure which one i should get. I dont have a bunch of money to spend on it. $200 is the most i would be willing to pay. And i was wondering if i should get Cubase SE3 or is there a better one for the same price or for less. The kind of things i would be doing are Music Creating, editing, and a bunch of other stuff. Right now me and my friends make rap beats so they can make there own songs. I was told that getting a program thats not too good and then upgrading later is a bad choice because of the learning curve. So should i try to get the best i can right away? Thanks for any and all help. .:TYler:.

I'd recommend Propellerheads Reason. It's a software that you can do virtually anything in. Besides the fact that it's advanced, yet not frightening, it's got a virtual hardware rack that allows you to do all the wiring and utilize the equipment the way you like it and build your own effect combinators. It also fully supports a bunch of midi-interfaces and I use it with my M-Audio Oxygen 49 without and having experienced any problems.

Check out the site - Main page - What you get when ordering
It's $499 and that includes door-to-door shipping in the US. It's a tad expensive, but I believe it's worth it!

Reason looks like a very nice program. but i think its too much money. Is there any other suggestions? Thanks PPA

Hey Tyler,

Reason 3 is a great program, but you should be warned that is only deals with MIDI. It doesn't record audio. Well... there are some mods and such that you can use with Reason to make it do audio....but for all intensive purposes it is mostly geared at VSTi and other plugins.

Reason 3 can be brought at for about $200 if you're a student or teacher. This is the full version, and is dirt cheap. Check it out here.

I'd also recommend Sonar 6 Home Studio if you're not wanting the "Super Pro version" because it goes for roughly $80 at Sonar will do both MIDI and audio and has more features geared at audio production and effects. Best of all, you can use Reason 3 and Sonar 6 together and get some great results. Check it out here.

Check it out here.

Also check out Ebay.

Hope that helps!

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

k, Thanks for everything. im not to sure what i should get yet but it sure helps me for an easier decision.

Much thanks,

Another option to look into is FL Studio. They have various bundles ranging anywhere from $49 from the Express Edition to $360 for the XXL Bundle. My coworker uses it and swears by it. The makers also seem to have a fairly good collection of VST instruments available for low prices, plus getting the downloadable version ensures you get free updates for life. Personally I use Cubase; I started off using LE for the longest of time, then upgraded to SX3, and now recently have been playing with the latest version. I personally like Cubase a lot, but it's considerably more money than FL Studio or some of Cakewalk's products.

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