
where the heck should i start

Started by October 22, 1999 08:51 PM
7 comments, last by reece moon 25 years, 4 months ago

what books should i buy

I don't know good books about C/C++, the only book on this topic I read was "C - The programming language" by Kernighan/Ritchie, but it's a little bit outdated. If you already know C/C++ and want to step into game-programming, get "Windows Game Programing for Dummies" oder "Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus". You could also get "Inside DirectX" and "Inside Direct3D" for learning DirectX programming. This is also explained in the both books above, but they're about game-development using DirectX.


what websites should i visit

There are many programming related websites, but here's a short list :

and many more, look into the link sections of those sites and you'll find the rest.


what software or/and hardwhare should i purchase

At first you need a good compiler. The best ones for Windows are Visual C++ and Borland C++ Builder. VC++ is better supported and you'll find much more documentation, sources and libraries for it, but it's a bit harder to use than BCB. But VC++ has a better code optimisation, a better debugger, ... so my advice is : get this compiler. There are student versions available, which are really cheap, if you get one of them, get Professional Edition or Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition is not worth the money.

With hardware, various graphics adapters would be cool, but that costs too much for normal developers as you and me. An old 3d-accelerator, a new one and a Voodoo would be cool, but you can still work with only one aceelerator, that's not the problem. For development, I recommend a P2 or P3 (or an AMD), 128 or 256 megs of RAM and a few gigabyte harddisk memory. And don't get a small monitor, you will sit in front of it for many hours.


who should i talk with (e-mail),

Talk to the guys you like. Many young coders talk to every well-known coder, because he's well-known. If I like someone, I talk to him, if I do not, then I don't talk to him, simply as is. Contact to some coders would be fine, because you'll learn much new stuff you would never have learned without.


what languages should i learn

Learn C/C++ and, if you want to : Java. This will be ok for years.


how long will it take

To become a John Carmack ? 100 years, to become a coder who can write 2d-engines and simple 3d-stuff ? 1 year.


Skullpture Entertainment

Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment
If you're just getting into programming, I would suggest starting off with java. Personally I started with pascal, then modula-2, then c, then c++, then vb (ick), and then java. Of all the languages, I found java the easiest to pick up. The syntax of java is very similar to c/c++, so once you get comfortable with java, shifting to c/c++ should be easier than starting straight off with c/c++. I would also suggest learning c before c++, some may disagree.

The Java SDK is free, and you should be able to find it at, along with a lot of documentation and tutorials for java. You can also get free c/c++ compilers, such as djgpp. Good luck..


I think you should definately start off learning c++. It is a waste of time to learn other languages such as c or java first, and besides, you learn most of c when you learn c++ anyway. Also, if you learn a non-object oriented language such as c first, then you do not learn the correct thinking and techniques up front for programming. On the topic of java, who the hell would program a game in java? (unless it's for some web applet game) C++ is not a hard language, and frankly it is the best for programming games, windows/linux apps, operating systems, etc.

So do yourself a favor and learn c++.

My most highly recommended book for beginner's i have read is 'Deitel & Deitel's: How to program C++' , it is an execellent book and covers everything in depth. I've also heard that the 'C++ primer' is a good book, but i have not read it.

-WARNING- do not read 'Sams teach yourself c++ in 21 days' unless you plan on reading another beginners book, because it hardly covers anything beyond the very basics and besides, you can not learn c++ in 21 days

good luck!

I suggest starting with C++ would be best. Because C++ is widely used and fast and if you want to program sth. in Java, then you can use your knowledge of C++, because Java is relatively equal to C++ (but not so fast).
Don't start with sth. like Basic or Pascal, these languages are outdatet or very slow.

A good book I would suggest is "The C++ programming language" from Bjarne Stroustrup. There you can learn the basics, enhance your knowledge and always find expert tips.


I gotta disagree with that eariler post. I have Sams Teach yourself c++ in 21 days and it is a great book, and goes into depth on most important topics, don't let the title fool you. Perhaps you have mistaken the sams
21 days book with the 24 hours book which does not cover things in depth but i can assure you that the 21 days book is just as big, and covers just as much as the other beginning books. However, i do agree that you can't learn c++ in 21 days, each lesson in the book must be fully comprehended before moving on, and to master c++ there is no way but experience.

I suggest that if you are intrested in game programming games, or anything else where speed is required you learn c++. I made the mistake of learning C first, and although it helps with c++ syntax and such I had to completely relearn my process of thinking in order to effectively incorporate object oriented programming so on the hole learning c first was more harm then help.

whoops forgot that w in whole, sorry for the typing mistakes I was in a hurry


Well, in my experience I started out in basic (way, way, way back). Then moved on to pascal, then on to delphi, then I picked up a C, not C++, but a C book. Well, I learned C in about ten days, by writing a small 3d engine in it using the Watcom compiler. Now I moved on to Borland C++ Builder so I can do the Windows stuff. (Eck!) I would suggest starting out in C first. This should give you an overall concept of how the whole programming thing works. Start out simple, then build on that. Once you have C learned move on to C++. They are basically the same with the exception of the OOP and some syntax here and there. I would also recommend learning Assembly for the x86 series, if you want to do some really bad-ass games. If you have trouble with learning C first, (although I don't see why anyone would...), then just go to C++. However, you will still be learning C in the process. OOP is a good addition, but I would still recommend learning procedural programming first. I used an older book to learn C, called "All On C".. I wouldn't suggest moving into Java if you want to start doing game programming...

- That's my opinion

i have just began programing and have some questions. from the things i've seen q-basic is not the first program i should learn.C++ is the place to began.

what books should i buy, what websites should i visit, what software or/and hardwhare should i purchase, who should i talk with (e-mail),what languages should i learn, how long will it take.

I am still not a very advanced programmer, but I started with qbasic and then I read "C for Dummies". Before I read "C for Dummies" I didn't have a clue about C. After you read that book, moving on to C++ and maybe DirectX will be much easier. "C for Dummies" only teaches you basic C, but you can't learn advanced C and C++ without basic C.

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