
Random story generation?

Started by August 20, 2007 01:19 PM
0 comments, last by Karnot 17 years, 2 months ago
Ok, so ive got this idea: I want to make a RPG type game that keeps a history of pretty much everything, from the biggest battles to the details of a tree thats grown old and about to fall over. I also want to make the world randomly generated upon install/user request/whatever, so you can see how writing a background story for everything is kind of impossible. I was thinking the game would record various statistics for items and npcs: likes, dislikes, place of birth, fav. color, and so on, and bump these ageist a set of rules for english, and output it to the user. I know getting it even close to correct, grammar wise, will take ALOT of effort, but i think its do-able. Im big into Tolkien, and was thinking of analyzing his work to come up with some type of formula that I could apply to the game to give it that LoTR touch. Comments?
Its been done in roguelikes. Extensive world and history generation is present in Dwarf Fortress, and random story generation in Gear Head.

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