
Flying Caesar

Started by December 28, 2007 04:59 AM
208 comments, last by Wai 14 years, 9 months ago
Hot water

[ Towel (Image) ]

In the story:

The Albatross flies cold, but the Blaahval has much steam to spare.
When the Albatross docks on the Blaahval, Albatross gives Blaahval
fresh water and Blaahval heats Albatross's pools.
Episode Design: Olivia Fixes Dinner

The story:
It is Olivia's turn to make dinner!

The game:
Player decides:
o Olivia's objective
o Olivia's actions
o Crew's reactions

Episode Outline:
0.1 - Olivia decides to make dinner for crew
0.3 - Olivia decides what to make
0.5 - Olivia fixes dinner
0.7 - Crew eats
0.9 - Wraps up
1.0 - Fin
Episode Design: Olivia writes a story

The story:
Olivia meets Allisa and the Little Red Riding Hood, and decides to
write a story and tell it to the crew.

The game:
o Player decides the details that Olivia includes in the story
o How to lose: story content ignores the characteristics of the crew
o How to lose: let the LRRH pick the details

Episode Outline:
0.1 - Olivia meets Allisa and LRRH
0.3 - Allisa talks about story
0.5 - The writing process
0.7 - The story reading session
0.9 - Conclusion
1.0 - Fin

Expanded outline:

0.1 - Olivia meets Allisa and LRRH

It is a very normal day on the Albatross. Allisa the reporter is looking for story worth reporting when Olivia finds her. Allisa tells Olivia that she needs a story. Olivia asks, "aren't there enough stories already?" referring to all the books the Drones were picking up at a local library. Allisa tries to explain that she was talking about a different kind of 'story', but the LRRH shows up. LRRH is so excited when she learns that they are talking about making stories and wants to learn. Allisa is like, "screw explaining, let's write a story."

0.3 - Allisa talks about story

Olivia asks how to start. Allisa says that story writing is similar to how Olivia keeps a diary, but focus only on one issue. Allisa asks Olivia to pick an issue to explore. [Player picks an issue Olivia cares, or a random topic the LRRH has in mind.] If the player picks Olivia's topic, Olivia explains that she doesn't know what to do about it.

0.5 - The writing process

Allisa tells Olivia to draw a diagram showing key players involved with the issue, and their relations. There are many assumptions. But now Olivia knows what to ask and what to check. The three investigates and gets a good picture of the story. They go to the stages to note how things are. Olivia recounts the notable characteristics. When Allisa declares that the story is complete, LRRH asks, "What is the ending?" Allisa says the kind of stories she write don't have endings. The LRRH doesn't accept it and declares that something must be done. Olivia seconds that.

0.7 - The story reading session

It is the usual dinner time. [ Player decides how to tell it and whom to tell ]. Olivia tells the story. Depending on how it is told the crew and those involve would have different response.

0.9 - Conclusion

Olivia calls mom and tells her about the day. Mom praises Olivia, gives her encouragement, or hope even if everything seems lost. Good night Olivia.

1.0 - Fin

Ending screen or a scene of delayed response that occurs after Olivia goes to bed.
Character Episode Template

Episode Role:
o To use an event to introduce a character

A1, A2 - Known characters
B - Unknown character

Episode Template 1:
-XX - Previous appearance of B
0.1 - A1 notices B (Audience also notices B)
0.3 - A1 talks to A2 about B. A2 tells a rumor about B
0.5 - A1 is curiuos about the rumor and investigates
0.7 - A1 learns something about B
0.9 - B is accepted into the Known group
1.0 - Happy Ending
Concept Episode Template

Episode Role:
To introduce a concept using interaction

C = The concept

Template Outline:
0.1 - Introduce the context where C is used to solve a problem
0.3 - Introduce C
0.5 - Simple applications of C
0.7 - Creative/advanced applications of C
0.9 - Acknowledge good use of C
1.0 - Declare completion of problem set
Inspiration Episode Template

Episode Role:
To inspire a character

C = Character
M = Mentor
R = a Role/Environment/Context
S = a Skill/Ability/Value/Personality/Attitude

Inspiration = Discovery of R where C could exercise S with value

Template Outline:
0.1 - C has S
0.3 - C is discontent in R1 because C with S doing R1 is not valued.
0.5 - C meets M who introduces C to R2
0.7 - C sees its value doing S in R2
0.9 - C adopts R2
1.0 - Happy Ending ( C is inspired to bring S to R2 and becomes more valuable )
Invigoration Episode Template

Episode Role:
A character is invigorated through an encounter with another character

C = Character
L = Listener, L could be the same as C
R = a Role/Environment/Context
V = value/meaning/motivation

Invigoration = Rediscovery of the meaning of R that C is in

Template Outline:
0.1 - C is doing R
0.3 - C is discontent in R because C has forgotten about V
0.5 - C meets L who asks about R
0.7 - C recalls V of R by talking to L
0.9 - C is doing R with refreshed enthusiasm
1.0 - Happy Ending ( C is invigorated )
Location Episode Template

Episode Role:
To introduce a geographic location

L = Location/Site/Structure/Landmark
M = Mission/Strategic Goal
P = Party (a group of people)
A = Artifact
T = Tradition/Culture/History/Meaning

Template Outline:
0.1 - L is introduced in the context of M
0.3 - P goes to L to do M
0.5 - P finds A at L
0.7 - P learns T
0.9 - P completes M and honors T
1.0 - Happy or Bitter/Sweet Ending (P gains a deeper connection with L beyond M value)
Skill-up Episode Template

Episode Role:
A character attains a new skill.

P = Problem/Issue
S = Skill/Ability
C = Character
B = Barrier

Template Outline:
0.1 - P happens and there is a shortage of S to solve it
0.3 - C wants to learn S but B is introduced
0.5 - C is learning S while conflict with B rises
0.7 - P happens again and C struggles to resolve B
0.9 - C clears B and performs S
1.0 - Happy Ending (C learns the way to resolve B to do S)
Perpetual Companionship Episode Template

Episode Role:
Two characters meet and become friends, without subjected to external binding force/circumstances.

C1 = Character 1
C2 = Character 2
P = Practice/Learning/Activities/Planning
V = A set of distinctive core values/philosophy that takes P to express
F1 = A feature/property/image of character 1 that suggests V
F2 = A feature/property/image of character 2 that suggests V
E = An event that is allows expression or development of V

Template Outline:
0.1 - C1 and C2 meet. C1 recognizes F2. C2 recognizes F1
0.3 - Both C's explore each other's P and find E to participate
0.5 - C's prepare for E
0.7 - C's do E
0.9 - C's reflect on E and find the next E to participate
1.0 - Perpetual Cycle (C1 and C2 are in a perpetual companionship)

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