
3D Diner/Coffee Shop

Started by March 07, 2008 01:29 PM
9 comments, last by dpadam450 16 years, 11 months ago
About 3 hours of work. Not much on lighting since it doesn't matter cuz it's going into a game. It's also not rendered so that makes the lighting bad and also no shadows.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

So, what are you looking for feedback?

Why was the lighting not rendered out? Baking the shadows in can help tremendously for performance. Also, where are there indicators that it is a coffee shop? There are no pictures or murals on the walls. All all the rest of the props, like the coffee machine, going to added with the game's level editor tools?
laziness is the foundation of efficiency | | Adventures in Game Production | @zer0wolf - Twitter
This is just a start, half done. I was just wondering style wise and color like the table top. Was the only color out of a few that fit. Just looking for ideas.

Yea I'm going to add dishes and cups. I do plan on putting up some pictures,register, pop machine, plates.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

I do I bake a shadow though? Like I cant bake it into the texture I'm using because obviously all the objects share the same wood texture. Do I bake it into a lightmap texture?

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

Original post by dpadam450
I do I bake a shadow though? Like I cant bake it into the texture I'm using because obviously all the objects share the same wood texture. Do I bake it into a lightmap texture?

bake a ambient occlusion map to the diffuse texture, this is the best way to have nice shading thats independent of light direction
Original post by dpadam450
I was just wondering style wise and color like the table top. Was the only color out of a few that fit. Just looking for ideas.

The big thing that popped into my mind when I looked at the image is that it reminded me of a rustic bar because of the excessive amounts of dark wooden planks. Coffee shops tend to look more ... cheerful. A light glossy wood would be more appropriate. Also, your scale for your textures is off as well. How wide should each plank of wood be? How does this relate to the height of the bar? Few wooden floors have perfectly sized wood planks that stretch from the one side to the other. They should vary in size a bit and you should have some end points where boards meet each other.

Getting the texturing right in a level is a bit tougher/time consuming than laying out the geometry [wink]

laziness is the foundation of efficiency | | Adventures in Game Production | @zer0wolf - Twitter
to Kaze. 15+ different objects share the same wood texture. I would have to bake an occlusion map for each object then.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

Original post by dpadam450
to Kaze. 15+ different objects share the same wood texture. I would have to bake an occlusion map for each object then.

You would for each object but identical objects could share the same one

Ambient occlusion doesn't really make a hard shadow but a rough approximation of area that would receive less ambient light.

Its not perfect but looks nice when combined with other lighting systems.
This is the final shop, without the operations stuff (sink, drink machine).
The lights project onto the ceiling by accident.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

Ok, getting better, however a few things that you need to do now.
1.) Why are the overhead lamps not casting shadows? Without the shadows they produce very odd lighting where the light from the lamp itself shows above it, which is impossible.
2.) Add trimming! Add trimming along the floor, between the walls, along the ceiling, along with windows...etc.
3.) Turn down your specular, specular on everything does not look right and on the things that do need specular you should adjust the specular attenuation to better fit the material its supposed to be replicating.
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert

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